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Data for paper submitted to BMC Bioinformatics

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modified on 2017-08-31, 14:49

The data stem from

I. Cantone, L. Marucci, F. Iorio, M.A. Ricci, V. Belcastro, M. Bansal, S. Santini, M. di Bernardo, D. di Bernardo and M.P. Cosma (2009): A Yeast Synthetic Network for In Vivo Assessment of Reverse-Engineering and Modeling Approaches, Cell, 137, 172-181.

Grzegorczyk, M. and Husmeier, D. (2012): A Non-Homogeneous Dynamic Bayesian Network with Sequentially Coupled Interaction Parameters for Applications in Systems and Synthetic Biology, Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology (SAGMB), 11(4), Article 7.

Please see those publications for details.
