Marker_info_XT-50K_21012021.xlsx (4.97 MB)

Marker information of the XT-50K panel

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modified on 2022-06-10, 13:21
The data contains coordinates and multi-trait GWAS summary statistics of the prioritised 46K variants from the XT-50K panel. This is part of the results from 'Xiang R, et al. (2021) Genome-wide fine-mapping identifies pleiotropic and functional variants that predict many traits across global cattle populations. Nature Communications, In Press.'. The marker information is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License 4.0 (CC BY-NC) for non-commercial research. Parties interested in the commercial use of the XT-50K markers should contact the authors of the manuscript in the first instance, to discuss lodging a formal request.

Reference: Xiang R, et al. (2021) Genome-wide fine-mapping identifies pleiotropic and functional variants that predict many traits across global cattle populations. Nature Communications In Press.