Video of C.elegans worker carrying gynes on the field_ Beaucaire_France_2014.mp4 (292.75 MB)

Video of C.elegans worker carrying gynes on the field_ Beaucaire_France_2014_©Julia Giehr.mp4

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modified on 2021-04-14, 09:49
Cardiocondyla elegans.
Movie of carrier worker going back and forth between donor and receiver nests. Time 00’06 a worker is carrying a female sexual (gyne) from a donor nest. Time 01’30 the carrier worker is dropping the gyne inside a receiver nest. Times 01’30-3’08 the carrier worker is going back to its original donor nest. Time 03’08 the carrier worker is entering the donor nest. Time 03’16 the carrier worker (the same?) is leaving the donor nest with another gyne. Time 04’40 the carrier worker is dropping the new gyne inside the same receiver nest.