Developmental nicotine exposure affects larval brain size and the adult dopaminergic system of Drosophila melanogaster_DATA.xlsx (77.91 kB)

Developmental nicotine exposure affects larval brain size and the adult dopaminergic system of Drosophila melanogaster_DATA.xlsx

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modified on 2018-05-02, 04:36
Dataset for the manuscript:
"Developmental nicotine exposure affects larval brain size and the dopaminergic system of Drosophila melanogaster"
All data analyzed and included in this manuscript is included in this data set. The file is organized by Figures, such that the data that was used to produce a given figure on the manuscript can be found on the a specific Tab. The file includes an "Index of Tabs" that explicitly mention which Tabs correspond to which Figure on the manuscript. The labels on each tab correspond to the type of data collected, the dependent variable measured.


Start-Up funds from Lewis & Clark College; two grants from the Murdock Charitable Trust: 2014368:JAT:02/26/15, 2014267:MNL:2/26/2015.