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Review Figure 5

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modified on 2017-11-20, 21:49
Figure 5: Refinement of the network after the removal of core network hubs to assess the stability of network clusters and modularity at all levels of examination (Panel A). As demonstrated in Panel B, these are classified into Psychological, or Physiological focus based upon core internal nodes. This categorization is color coded (Psychological: Blue; Physiological: Red), with the order of concentric rings reflecting each module’s rank (with the highest ranked module more central). In addition, this corpus was systematically deconstructed to consider patterns across two individual decades (Decade 1: 1994-2004 and Decade 2: 2005-2015), and internal and external connectivity metrics. Intuitively, the removal of network hubs leads to reduced levels of overarching median normalized external and internal connectivity at all levels. See Supplementary Table 4 for comparisons.


The New Jersey Governor's Council: CAUT14APL018