
Nonverbal False Belief Tasks

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We provide here two nonverbal false belief tasks which, WHEN JOINTLY ADMINISTRATED, can detect theory of mind impairments in adults. The tasks were designed to identify deficits in the spontaneous tracking of other people's beliefs and deficits in self-perspective inhibition.

The two tasks consist in a "reality-unknown" version and a "reality-known" version of the classic change of location false belief paradigm. For reliable interpretation of the data, the reality-unknown version has always to be administrated first.

Both tasks are uploaded here in a French and an English version.

The tasks are presented in the following article:

Biervoye, A., Meert, G., Apperly, I.A., & Samson, D. (under review). Assessing the integrity of the cognitive processes involved in belief reasoning by means of two nonverbal tasks: rationale, normalization and illustration with brain-damaged patients.


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