Supplemental file JSR-2.xlsx (64.75 kB)

A scoping review of interventions delivered by occupational therapists in school settings.

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modified on 2023-03-30, 11:47

These data support the findings of the study A scoping review of interventions delivered by occupational therapists in school settings. There are four Microsoft excel sheets available: Search strategy, Eligibility criteria, data extracted at study level and data extracted at intervention level.

In the sheet Search strategy, there is the complete strategy used in this review for OVID and EBSCO. The Eligibility criteria sheet describes details about the criteria used in this review. 

The characteristics of the 50 articles included in this review are available in thedata extracted at study level sheet and includes: full references, years of publication, language in which the articles were written, the country in which the studies took place, the primary aim of the articles, outcome measures, the characteristics of the schools in which the studies were conducted, and the characteristics of the samples. These are all presented depending on the methodological design of each of the papers. These data supported the findings of the occupational therapy outcomes addressed by these papers.

The components of the interventions analysed in this review are available in the data extracted at intervention level sheet, which includes: the name of the intervention, the reference, the focus of the intervention (why), the materials used and the procedures carried out (what), who provided it, the mechanism and people involved (how), the location and infrastructure used (where), the duration of the whole intervention and the number of sessions including their schedule and duration (when and how much), and the planned and actual fidelity measures (how well). These aspects were based on the TIDER Checklist. These data were used to classify the interventions according to a multi-tiered perspective.