Data Set - blaKPC-or-NDM strains relates to local hospital activities.xlsx (59.35 kB)

Dataset - Carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative bacilli recovered from sewage treatment plants in Brasília, Brazil.xlsx

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modified on 2022-06-16, 00:10
Aquatic matrices impacted by sewage may shelter carbapenem-resistant (CR) Gram-negative bacilli (GNB) harboring resistance genes of public health concern. In this study, sewage treatment plants (STPs) servicing well-defined catchment areas were surveyed for the presence of CR-GNB bearing carbapenemase genes (blaKPC or blaNDM).
Moving beyond hospital settings, sewage, and STPs, our findings evince that clinically relevant blaKPC-or-NDM strains scape into the environment. Therefore, aquatic matrices should be subjected to surveillance as one health measure against antibiotic resistance.


Fundação de Apoio a Pesquisa do Distrito Federal - Grant Nº 193.000.713/2016