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Improving Runoff Simulation in the Western United States with Noah-MP and VIC

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modified on 2023-09-20, 23:53

Dataset for the paper "Improving Runoff Simulation in the Western United States with Noah-MP and VIC"

  1. basin_shp.tar

263 basins calibrated in this study that across Western U.S..

  1. calibration_results_noahmp.tar

Calibration results for Noah-MP model, including baseline KGE,calibrated KGE and calibrated parameters.


Calibration results for VIC model, including baseline KGE,calibrated KGE and calibrated parameters.

  1. regionalization_meta_data.tar

Meta data of the calibrated river basins and HUC-10 basins that used in the study.

  1. regionalized_results.tar

Regionalized parameters of both Noah-MP and VIC over Western U.S.


Include the observed daily streamflow (mm/day) data for the calibrated basins.