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modified on 2016-02-11, 17:10 Data related to the paper:
Debove, S., et al., Models of the evolution of fairness in the ultimatum game: a review and classification, Evolution and Human Behavior (2015),
For more information please refer to
Contents of the zipped file:
- 5_models_replicated contains the Netlogo code for the 5 main models of the evolution of fairness we have replicated. You need Netlogo to run these files (free software ).
- data_replication_nowak_2000_with_restriction contains the data txt files of the 20 simulation runs of the original model by Nowak (2000) that we replicated.
- data_replication_nowak_2000_without_restriction contains the data txt files of the 20 simulation runs of the original model by Nowak (2000) that we replicated, WITHOUT the restriction that 1-p > q
- notebook_to_produce_fig1.nb is the Mathematica Notebook used to analyse the raw data of the two data folders. You need to have Mathematica installed on your computer in order to open this file.
Debove, S., et al., Models of the evolution of fairness in the ultimatum game: a review and classification, Evolution and Human Behavior (2015),
For more information please refer to
Contents of the zipped file:
- 5_models_replicated contains the Netlogo code for the 5 main models of the evolution of fairness we have replicated. You need Netlogo to run these files (free software ).
- data_replication_nowak_2000_with_restriction contains the data txt files of the 20 simulation runs of the original model by Nowak (2000) that we replicated.
- data_replication_nowak_2000_without_restriction contains the data txt files of the 20 simulation runs of the original model by Nowak (2000) that we replicated, WITHOUT the restriction that 1-p > q
- notebook_to_produce_fig1.nb is the Mathematica Notebook used to analyse the raw data of the two data folders. You need to have Mathematica installed on your computer in order to open this file.