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Single Cell RNAseq DGE tables for Fetal and Postnatal Dataset from Smith et al, 2021. PNAS

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modified on 2021-07-26, 16:13
To gain cell-biological insights into the spatiotemporal dynamics of prenatal ATP1A3 expression, we established a transcriptional atlas of ATP1A3 expression during cortical development using mRNA in situ hybridization and transcriptomic profiling of ~125,000 individual cells with single-cell RNA sequencing (Drop-Seq) from various areas of the midgestational human neocortex. We find that fetal expression of ATP1A3 is restricted to a subset of excitatory neurons carrying transcriptional signatures of neuronal activity and maturation characteristic of the developing subplate. Furthermore, by performing Drop-Seq on ~52,000 nuclei from four different areas of an infant human neocortex, we show that ATP1A3 expression persists throughout early postnatal development, not only within excitatory neurons across all cortical layers, but also and more predominantly in inhibitory neurons, with specific enrichment in fast-spiking basket cells. In addition, we show that ATP1A3 expression, both in fetal and postnatal neurons, tends to be higher in frontal cortical areas than in occipital areas, in a pattern consistent with the rostro-caudal maturation gradient of the human neocortex.


Role for ion conducting proteins in cortical malformation diseases

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

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