Data S3. Entsminger Woody Plant Species Count.xlsx (120.04 kB)

Data A3. Entsminger Woody Plant Species Count

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modified on 2018-12-13, 17:58
Data A3. Raw data from over 1,942 woody plant species stem count that were collected along a 48.28-km stretch of roadside right-of-ways in east central Mississippi from 2010 to 2012. The data are categorized by site/elevation (low1, low2,... up1, up2, …), TRT=treatments (mow=mowing, no mow=no mowing, and seed=no mowing with seeding), season/year (fall 2010, spring 2011, …), status/veg type/height (nshrub18=native shrub <18-in. height, nshrub1836=native shrub 18-36-in. height category, nshrub36=native shrub >36-in. height category, …), scientific names, percent coverage, native/nonnative/vegetation type/height, status (n=native, nn= nonnative, un=unknown status), vegetation type (shrub, tree, vine), and height category (<18-in. tall, 18–36-in. height category, > 36-in. height category) are displayed for an overall value of woody stem counts within the each category. (121 KB XLSX).