20200908 DAMCAA Survey PDF with headings highlighted (no SRS or CPRS).pdf (1.55 MB)


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modified on 2020-09-08, 09:30

The reason for the PDF being large is that the way the questionnaire is structured requires substantial amounts of branching logic depending on how many interventions, supports and medications the family is currently engaged with, or has previously engaged with. The overall structure of the questionnaire is broken into sections, which you will be able to search for in the PDF. These sections are:

• Demographic Questionnaire

• Diagnostic Process

o How the child got their diagnosis

o How many contacts with health professionals did the family have before receiving the diagnosis

o The disclosure, cost, stress and satisfaction with the diagnosis

• Interventions

o Current

o Previous

• Medications

o Current

o Previous

• Adverse side effects

o SRS and CPRS questionnaires are after Adverse side effects, however they have been removed from the PDF due to copyright.