Tsanov 2017 (502.12 MB)

Tsanov data 2017

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modified on 2017-08-16, 15:28
The data represent:
1) Single-unit recordings of place cells from continuous T-maze.
2) Single-unit recordings of place cells from continuous T-maze with forced navigation.
3) Single-unit recordings of slow-spiking cells recorded in the ventral tegmental area from continuous T-maze.
4) Single-unit recordings of place cells from rectangular track with forced navigation.
5) Spearman's correlation of the place fields between the training and probe sessions of place cell pairs from continuous T-maze for all cell pairs per rat.
6) Spearman's correlation of the place fields between the training and probe sessions of place cell pairs from continuous T-maze for individual pairs.


This work was supported by Science Foundation Ireland, the Health Research Board and the Wellcome Trust under Biomedical Research Partnership with grant number: 099926/Z/12/Z to Marian Tsanov