
Comparison of public discussions of gene editing on social media between the United States and China

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modified on 2022-04-13, 07:14
Explanations of the variables:

'Time of creation': the date that the tweet was created
'user id': ID of users
'favorite_count': the number of likes of a tweet
'reply_count': the number of replies of a tweet
'retweet_count': the number of retweets of a tweet
'user.verified': whether Twitter verifies the user
'user.followers_count': the number of user’s fans
'Topic 1': the first topic generated from LDA
'Topic 2': the second topic generated from LDA
'Topic 3': the third topic generated from LDA
'Topic 4': the fourth topic generated from LDA
'Topic 5': the fifth topic generated from LDA
'Topic 6': the sixth topic generated from LDA
'Topic 7': the seventh topic generated from LDA
'Topic 8': the eighth topic generated from LDA
'Topic 9': the ninth topic generated from LDA
'max_value': the maximum value of nine topic values
'max_value_Topic ID': the topic that has the largest topic value

'Time of creation': the date that the post was created
'user id': ID of users
'repost_count': the number of retweets of a Weibo post
'comment_count': the number of comments of a Weibo post
'like_count': the number of likes of a Weibo post
'user.verified': whether Weibo verifies the user
'user.followers_count': the number of user’s fans
'Topic 1': the first topic generated from LDA
'Topic 2': the second topic generated from LDA
'Topic 3': the third topic generated from LDA
'max_value': the maximum value of three topic values
'max_value_Topic ID': the topic that has the largest topic value