
Health providers' readiness for change to a respectful maternity care practice in Ibadan, Nigeria

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modified on 2022-05-12, 19:09

The data was obtained from 212 health providers across primary and secondary health facilities in Ibadan metropolis, Nigeria. 

RMC means respectful maternity care

Discrete outcome variables include:

Organisational readiness for change 

Individual readiness for change

Other independent variables include the age, years of work experience, years since practicing at the health facility, perceived job satisfaction, scloseelf evaluation, perception on women's rights during childbirth, awareness of the frequency of women's mistreatments at provider health facility, perception of available resources to implement RMC during childbirth, provider's change valence, informational assessments,   awareness of RMC, perceived feasibility of RMC.

They also include the principal component analysis predicted scores for the scales on perceived rights, women's mistreatment and available resources for RMC implementation.


Carnegie Corporation of New York (Grant No—G-19-57145)

Sida (Grant No:54100113)

Uppsala Monitoring Centre and the DELTAS Africa Initiative (Grant No: 107768/Z/15/Z)