2 files

Experiment 1: AC voltage-current characteristics of the human skin memristor.

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modified on 2019-12-29, 18:12
The AC voltage-current (V-I) characteristics of the human skin memristor were studied in experiment 1. The data was collected from three different skin sites (earlobe, fingertip, forehead) simultaneously. The recordings were done on 28 test subjects.

Experimental Design
Sinusoidal (with amplitudes of 0.4 V, 0.8 V, and 1.2 V), triangular (amplitude of 1.2 V) and non-periodic voltage signals were applied with six different frequencies (0.05 Hz, 0.1 Hz, 0.25 Hz, 0.5 Hz, 1Hz, 2.5 Hz) for three periods each. The resulting current, i, through the skin was recorded. The sign of each applied voltage signal was randomized. Furthermore, shape and amplitude appeared in a random sequence. For each of these five combinations, a frequency sweep over all six frequencies in a randomized order was applied. The waiting time before a signal with a new frequency was applied was 1 second. The waiting time before a run with a new signal shape or amplitude was 2 seconds. The number of samples per signal period was always 500.

File information
The recordings are presented in the same order as they were conducted.

"Data_experiment_1 (AC V_I_characteristics)": The Samples 1 to 1501 in each line reflect 3 periods of the corresponding signal. Sample 1 of each measurement run was distorted by the instrumentation and was set to NaN (not a number) which can be handled by Matlab.

"Data_EDA (Small signal conductance G, susceptance and DC potential)_Before_and_after_Experiment_1": This file contains EDA data that was measured before and after experiment 1.