15 files

Four-page practice abstracts produced within a Defra-funded project entitled "Reviewing Opportunities, Barriers and Constraints for Organic management Techniques to Improve Sustainability of Conventional Farming"

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modified on 2018-09-06, 15:19

Fifteen practice factsheets are presented for the following 'organic practices' identified within a Defra funded project entitled: "Reviewing Opportunities, Barriers and Constraints for Organic management Techniques to Improve Sustainability of Conventional Farming":

1 Mixed farming

2 Use of diverse crop rotations

3 Manure and compost as a fertiliser

4 Ruminants predominantly forage fed

5 Use of mechanical weed control

6 Biological control (indoors)

7 Use of leys in arable rotations

8 Encouraging natural predators (outdoors)

9 Use of green waste compost

10 Animals provided with maximum outdoor access

11 Diverse/herbal sward mixtures

12 Increasing use of legumes in crop rotation

13 Novel forages (e.g. chicory)

14 Use of complementary therapies

15 Under-sowing of leys in crops

Each practice abstract consists of no more than four A4 pages, with pictures and graphical material. They serve as sign-posts to existing resources (e.g. technical guides, videos) and include profiles of conventional and/or organic farmers that are using these practices.

The practice abstract format is an extended version of the practice abstract format developed by EIP- AGRI.

