8 files

Supplementary Data, Movies, and Code for manuscript entitled "Behavioural plasticity and the transition to order in jackdaw flocks"

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modified on 2021-08-11, 03:03

Data S1

Group properties for 154 groups selected from 10 mobbing flocks. For each group, the data include flock ID, bird ID, group size, group density, group order, time duration.

Format: xlsx

Size: 20 KB

Data S2

Bird id number, position, time, and velocity at every time step for transit flocks #01 to 06.

Format: txt

Size: 11.3 MB

Data S3

Bird id number, position, time, and velocity at every time step for mobbing flocks #01 to 05.

Format: txt

Size: 9.8 MB

Data S4

Bird id number, position, time, and velocity at every time step for mobbing flocks #06 to 10.

Format: txt

Size: 24.1 MB

Movie S1

Original images captured by one of the four cameras and the reconstructed birds’ 3D movement trajectories for transit flocks #01 to 06.

Format: mov

Size: 18.2 MB

Movie S2

Original images captured by one of the four cameras and the reconstructed birds’ 3D movement trajectories for mobbing flocks #01 to 05.

Format: mov

Size: 28.3 MB

Movie S3

Original images captured by one of the four cameras and the reconstructed birds’ 3D movement trajectories for mobbing flocks #06 to 10.

Format: mov

Size: 26.0 MB

Data analysis code

Data analysis code (written in Matlab) and Matlab readable data files for generating all figures presented in the paper.


Human Frontier Science Program