Variations in body shape of mountain habitat specialist.txt (262.97 kB)

Variations in body shape of mountain habitat specialist.txt

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journal contribution
modified on 2018-12-04, 12:08
Row data used in GMM analysis: ID, species, subspecies, sex, centriod size and coordinates of landmarks. To analyse the shape of the pronotum and the head, a 2D data set was used, consisting of 186 images of the head (89 males, 97 females) and 192 images (91 males, 101 females) of the pronotum of Carabus caelatus inidividuals, and 221 images (115 males, 106 females) of the head and 223 (114 males, 109 females) images of the pronotum of Carabus croaticus individuals (Coleoptera: Carabidae). A total of ten landmarks were digitized on the pronotum and nine on the head by using TPSdig2 software version 2.26. The shape information was extracted using a Procustes fit.