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Code and example data

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modified on 2021-05-26, 23:24
This code is an example of how to use babyAFQ in order to identify white matter bundles in an infant whole brain connectome.

The code takes as input a wholebrain connectome, anatomy and diffusion data and identifies 26 white matter bundles. It also plots the output bundles for quality assessment. The example subject included here is a newborn; it is the same individual presented in fig 1 in the manuscript currently under consideration to enable easy comparison.

There are three folders included here. The folder "exampleSubjectOutput" shows what the babyAFQ_demo.m should generate from the files in "exampleSubjectClean". The
folder "exampleSubject" is created by the babyAFQ_demo.m and will show the files created in the current execusion of the code.
The code requires SPM (v12,, VistaSoft (, as well as AFQ ( The code has been tested in MatlabR2015a running on Ubuntu16.
You will need to be in the "babyAFQ_demo" folder to run this code. Running the code will take several hours on an ubuntu workstation.