Daniele et al., Peroxisome regulation in RPE - Supplemental Fig S2 rs.pdf (228.3 kB)

Daniele et al., Peroxisome regulation in RPE - Supplemental Fig S2.pdf

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modified on 2019-09-24, 21:30

Fig. S2 Peroxisome markers label tubular structures in mouse RPE Confocal images at a single image plane of WT RPE/choroid/sclera bleached before immunolabeling with antibodies to PMP70 (green) and Pex14 (red), scale bar – 5 µm. Lower right panel shows higher magnification view (boxed in lower left), scale bar – 2 µm. Arrows denote examples of PMP70- and Pex14- co-labeled structures with a tubular appearance.