Data File 1.csv (9.37 kB)

Dataset 1, Table of $\Delta T_\nu$ coefficient values

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modified on 2021-03-04, 06:20
This CSV file represents a table of DeltaTnu coefficient values to calculate maximum local temperature increase DeltaT [oC] of water cilinder at temperature T0 [oC] exposed to a pulse of THz radiation at given frequency nu [THz] with fluence F [J/cm2]: DeltaT=(DeltaTnu/0.7)*83.3*F.

Here [oC] denotes the degree Celsius.
Table represents data for four values of T0 [oC]: 37; 32; 27; 22.

For a pulse at frequency nu=1.5 [THz] with fluence F = 0.01 [J/cm2] for water at initial tempeature T0=22 [oC]
temperature increase equals DeltaT=DeltaTnu*83.3*F/0.7=0.70701 [oC],
where DeltaTnu is taken from the table.