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Phenological mismatches between above- and belowground plant responses to climate warming

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modified on 2021-11-03, 04:03
We used meta-analysis to assess the effects of experimental warming on above- and belowground plant phenology. We searched for journal articles using the ISI Web of Science with the following key word combinations: (warming OR temperature OR climate change) AND (root production OR root mortality OR root turnover OR standing biomass OR root longevity OR standing crop OR root length OR lifespan OR root phenology OR AND (shoot length OR net primary productivity OR biomass OR growth OR shoot elongation) from 1980 to 2020. Papers had to meet the following criteria to be included in our dataset: (i) warming experiments were conducted in terrestrial ecosystems; (ii) initial environmental, soil, and plant conditions, including climate, soil type and species composition in control plots were the same as those in warming plots; (iii) at least two temperature regimes were compared. We acquired data regarding plant growth dynamics directly from text or tables in original papers or extracted data indirectly from figures by using GetData software (version 2.22). In total, our dataset included 359 observations [AT1] from 88 studies. Among these observations, there were 281 aboveground phenological observations and 106 belowground phenological observations (Fig. 1; Fig. S4: PRISMA diagram; Table S2). To ensure that our search captured all relevant studies, we repeated our literature search in Google Scholar and ordered the studies by relevance; all studies in the top 200 studies searched by Google Scholar that met our criteria were already included in our dataset.



National Natural Science Foundation of China (31901168)

Shanghai Sailing Program (19YF1413200)

“Chenguang Program” supported by Shanghai Education Development Foundation and Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (18CG23)