Data for Genome-wide macroevolutionary signatures of host-plant (39.52 MB)

Genome-wide macroevolutionary signatures of key innovations in butterflies colonizing new host plants

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modified on 2020-11-30, 17:37
This folder contains:
Data 1 - Phylogenetic analyses Papilionidae
Data 2 - Molecular dating Papilionidae
Data 3 - Host-plants for Papilionidae
Data 4 - Phylogenetic analyses Aristolochiaceae
Data 5 - Molecular dating of Aristolochiaceae
Data 6 - Geographic distributions and biogeographic analyses
Data 7 - Diversification analyses
Data 8 - Genomic dataset and analyses
Supplementary Figures and Tables
Source data file to reproduce Figures 3a and Figures 4b-d of the main text
Supplementary data files to show large Excel tables for reuse


Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellow under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (project BIOMME, agreement No. 627684)

PICS grant from the CNRS (project PASTA)

European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (project GAIA, agreement No. 851188)

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grant (RGPIN-2018-04920)

German Research Foundation grant (WA 2461/9-1)