Vestibular function following unilateral cochlear implantation for profound sensorineural hearing loss (sharable data).xlsx (23.55 kB)

Vestibular function following unilateral cochlear implantation for profound sensorineural hearing loss (sharable data).xlsx

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modified on 2016-05-28, 12:17
This data set includes data on the following: Twelve post-lingually deafened adults who underwent unilateral cochlear implantation (CI). Twelve patient were included in this pilot study and were assessed pre-operatively and at immediate, one week, and one month post-operative intervals. Assessments consisted of the dizziness handicap inventory (DHI),  subjective visual vertical (SVV), and timed up-and-go testing (TUG). When applicable, testing was repeated with the CI on and off. These data are presented here.


Funding was obtained through a Harry Barberian Grant