5 files

Auditory multistability and neurotransmitter concentrations in the human brain

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modified on 2016-05-19, 08:28


The archive contains all blocks for all participants of the auditory streaming task in *.mat files. Each file contains a structure called behavdat, which contains the following fields: 1) block = block number, 2) percept = button press data sampled in 10Hz, 3) iCond = condition number, 4) catch_emphasize = correct response for the catch trials, 5) catch_percept = button presses for the catch trials



Raw data of the verbal transformations task for all participants. Each row marks a response. The first column codes the participant number, whereas the second codes the block number (1 to 5). The third column represents the response of the participant (1 = banana, 2 = nappa, 3 = nonsense, 4 = other, 5 = none – Please note, that none was coded when there was no button press from the participants), and the fourth represents the duration of that response in milliseconds. Finally, the last column represents if that response was the initial response (1) or not (0) or the last response (9).



Final values of the variables and participants included in the analysis (rows = participants, columns = variables, variable names in top row of the file in the order of 1) auditory streaming, 2) verbal transformations, 3) neurotransmitter data, 4) scales).


Calculated values of the executive function tasks and demographic data. Each row represents a participants. First column = participant index, Second column = age, Third column = gender (1 = male, 0 = female). Fourth column (anti) = proportion of correct responses during the antisaccade trials in the antisaccade task, Fifth column (pro) = proportion of correct responses during the prosaccade trials in the antisaccade task, Sixth column (all) = proportion of correct responses during all trials in the antisaccade task, Seventh column (Go RT) = Reaction time of the 'Go' condition in the Stop-signal task (in ms), Eighth column (Go err) = Error rate of 'Go' condition in the Stop-signal task, Ninth column (P(inhibit)) =  probability of successful inhibition in the Stop-signal task, Tenth column (SSD) = stop-signal delay in the Stop-signal task (in ms), Eleventh column (SSRT) = stop-signal reaction time in the Stop-signal task (in ms), Twelfth column (incong RT) = reaction time of the incongruent condition in the Stroop (in ms), Thirteenth column (ctrl RT) = reaction time of the control condition in the Stroop (in ms), Fourteenth column (diff RT) = differences of the reaction times of the incongruent and control conditions in the Stroop task (in ms), Fifteenth column (err) = error rate in all trials in the Stroop task



Raw data of the scales for all participants. Each row represents a participant, whereas each column represents an item. At the end of the file the reversed items are included for the BFI and UPPS scales.


Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Lendület Project LP-36/2012 to DF and IW).