
Overcoming limitation of morphology-based taxa identification using raw and model-adjusted genetic divergence

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modified on 2022-10-24, 08:56

File contents:

GBTD.rr - the script designed to measure pairwise distances between biological samples based on their nucleotide alignment and phylogenetic position and sort them by the lowest taxonomic levels shared by these samples.

annelida.fas - nucleotide alignment in Fasta format used for this work.

current.csv - CSV-table with commonly accepted samples taxonomy information.

adjusted.csv - CSV-table with sample taxonomy information changed in this work to match genetic and phylogenetic distances.

point.csv - CSV-table with pairs of taxa highlighted on output plots.

bi.nwk - ultrametric bayesian phylogenetic tree in Newick format used for this work.

ml.nwk - non-ultrametric maximum-likelihood tree in Newick format used for this work.


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