‘Copyright Dough’ is a fun tool for teaching students, researchers, and staff about copyright licences and exceptions. This interactive workshop enables participants to put themselves in the position of different stakeholders, termed as‘creators’, ‘teachers’, ‘researchers’, and ‘students’, who are then asked to create a playdough model. Whilst some participants have full creative freedom when creating, others will either be ‘inspired by’ others, or will be tasked with copying another model entirely. Each model is then given a copyright licence, and participants discuss whether each scenario is 'ok' or 'not ok' according to the licences and copyright exceptions.
This hands-on approach works as an engagement tool for a topic not always met with high levels of enthusiasm. By discussing how copyright licences affect different situations in different ways, copyright’s complexities become more straightforward. Copyright subsequently becomes seen as an enabler of creativity, and not a restriction. Participants also gain confidence in discussing copyright, understanding that there is often an "it depends" behind copyright decisions. This all takes place within a light-hearted, creative context, providing a memorable experience for participants, and giving facilitators a fun concept to use when promoting copyright sessions.
The files provided include:
- Printable playing cards, information cards, and instructions
- Tips for running a Copyright Dough session