This document descibes the source code and data in the repository related to:

Seibold et al (2021): Deadwood decomposition mediated by insects influences global carbon fluxes.

The folder contains RMarkdown files (.Rmd) and also the generated (“knitted”) .html files. In addition, necessary data (mostly GIS grids) are located in the data folder. During processing of the markdown files data products are stored in the products folder.

The folder contains the following files


Statistical analysis of the experimental data. The file includes the data set from the experiment inline.


Includes the steps for the upscaling of results and the global estimates for C effects of deadwood decomposition. The auxiliary_calculations.R includes code we used for data preprocessing. However, it is not necessary to run this code to replicate the main results.


This scripts includes the sensitivity analysis reported in the paper.

Step-by-Step instructions to reproduce results

The easiest way to work with the data set is to use RStudio, but the base R command prompt is possible too. We use markdown to provide both the code and results in a easy-to-read report format.

To execute the scripts, hit the “Knit” button in RStudio, or use the render function:

# run the script and produce Seibold_et_2021.html

Evaluation dataset

The processing steps for the evaluation of our model against independent empirical data from Harmon et al (2020) are shown in evaluation_dataset.R. The (edited) raw file in Excel format is in the data folder (13021_2019_136_MOESM2_ESM_edited.xlsx).

Generated data

  • data/ret_natural.rda and data/ret_dowel.rda: R data file including the ret_n and ret_d dataframes.
  • products/total_deadwood_2cm_tha.tif: Deadwood carbon pools (>2cm, Mg C/ha, 5 arc minute resolution)
  • products/total_bl_2cm_tha.tif: Deadwood carbon pools, angiosperms (>2cm, Mg C/ha, 5 arc minute resolution)
  • products/total_con_2cm_tha.tif: Deadwood carbon pools, gymnosperms (>2cm, Mg C/ha, 5 arc minute resolution)
  • products/total_flux_t_ha.tif: Annual dead wood carbon loss (Mg C/ha, 5 arc minute resolution)
  • products/total_uc_t_ha.tif: contribution of insects(Mg C/ha, 5 arc minute resolution, delta between uncaged and closed treatments)