Deadwood decomposition mediated by insects influences global carbon fluxes; Seibold et al. (2021)

This document reproduces tables and figures.

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# library("knitr")
# spin("Seibold_et_al_2021.R")



Results were obtained in this environment

## R version 4.0.4 (2021-02-15)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS:   /usr/local/lib/R/lib/
## LAPACK: /usr/local/lib/R/lib/
## locale:
##  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_GB.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
##  [3] LC_TIME=en_GB.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_GB.UTF-8    
##  [5] LC_MONETARY=en_GB.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=en_GB.UTF-8   
##  [7] LC_PAPER=de_CH.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
##  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] viridis_0.5.1      viridisLite_0.3.0  tripack_1.3-9.1    MuMIn_1.43.17     
##  [5] car_3.0-10         carData_3.0-4      vegan_2.5-7        permute_0.9-5     
##  [9] patchwork_1.1.1    ggpubr_0.4.0       RColorBrewer_1.1-2 ggplot2_3.3.3     
## [13] colorspace_2.0-0   gridExtra_2.3      lattice_0.20-41    multcomp_1.4-16   
## [17] TH.data_1.0-10     MASS_7.3-53        survival_3.2-7     mvtnorm_1.1-1     
## [21] lme4_1.1-26        Matrix_1.3-2       knitr_1.31        
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] tidyr_1.1.2       splines_4.0.4     assertthat_0.2.1  statmod_1.4.35   
##  [5] stats4_4.0.4      highr_0.8         cellranger_1.1.0  pillar_1.5.0     
##  [9] backports_1.2.1   glue_1.4.2        ggsignif_0.6.1    minqa_1.2.4      
## [13] sandwich_3.0-0    pkgconfig_2.0.3   broom_0.7.5       haven_2.3.1      
## [17] purrr_0.3.4       scales_1.1.1      openxlsx_4.2.3    rio_0.5.16       
## [21] tibble_3.0.6      mgcv_1.8-33       generics_0.1.0    ellipsis_0.3.1   
## [25] withr_2.4.1       magrittr_2.0.1    crayon_1.4.1      readxl_1.3.1     
## [29] evaluate_0.14     fansi_0.4.2       nlme_3.1-152      rstatix_0.7.0    
## [33] forcats_0.5.1     foreign_0.8-81    tools_4.0.4       data.table_1.14.0
## [37] hms_1.0.0         lifecycle_1.0.0   stringr_1.4.0     munsell_0.5.0    
## [41] cluster_2.1.0     zip_2.1.1         compiler_4.0.4    rlang_0.4.10     
## [45] grid_4.0.4        nloptr_1.2.2.2    boot_1.3-26       gtable_0.3.0     
## [49] codetools_0.2-18  abind_1.4-5       DBI_1.1.1         curl_4.3         
## [53] R6_2.5.0          zoo_1.8-8         dplyr_1.0.4       utf8_1.1.4       
## [57] stringi_1.5.3     parallel_4.0.4    Rcpp_1.0.6        vctrs_0.3.6      
## [61] tidyselect_1.1.0  xfun_0.21

Graphics options

TIFF <- interactive()
trellis.par.set(list(plot.symbol = list(col=1,pch=20, cex=0.7),
                     box.rectangle = list(col=1),
                     box.umbrella = list(lty=1, col=1),
                     strip.background = list(col = "lightgrey"),
                     layout.widths = list(right.padding = 5)))
ltheme <- canonical.theme(color = FALSE)     ## in-built B&W theme
ltheme$strip.background$col <- "lightgrey" ## change strip bg
lattice.options(default.theme = ltheme)
options(width = 100)

Initialise random seed


Data overview

# "PlotID"       : unique identifier for sample site 
# "logID"        : unique identifier for wood sample
# "treatment"    : experimental treatments: uncaged, open cage or closed cage
# "clade"        : host tree division of wood sample: angiosperm or gymnosperm
# "dowel"        : 1 = standardized machined dowel of Fagus sylvatica without bark; 
#                  0 = unprocessed wood of native tree species with bark
# "drymass_start": dry mass at start of experiment before exposure 
# "expo_days"    : exposure time in days  
# "drymass_end"  : dry mass at the end of experiment
# "marks_total"  : signs of insect colonization (not available for all logs: NA)
# "biome"        : classification of biome as either boreal, temperate or sub/tropical 
# "WC2_T"        : mean annual temperature according to worldclim 
# "WC2_P"        : mean annual precipitation according to worldclim 

Rescale variables

### rescale response variables: dry mass at beginning or end of experiment, respectively
wm$drymass_end <- wm$drymass_end / 1000
wm$drymass_start <- wm$drymass_start / 1000

### rescale predictor variables: exposure time, temperature and precipitation
wm$expoyrs <- with(wm, expo_days / 365) ### in years
wm$Temp <- with(wm, WC2_T)       ### in ° Celsius
wm$Prec <- with(wm, WC2_P / 100) ### dm per year

## scale and center in addition
wmplot <- subset(wm, !duplicated(PlotID))
## mean temperature in °C (rounded allowing direct textual reference)
(mT <- round(mean(wmplot$Temp)))
## [1] 15
## mean precipitation in dm / a (rounded allowing direct textual reference)
(mP <- round(mean(wmplot$Prec)))
## [1] 13
wm$TempS <- scale(wm$Temp, center = mT, scale = TRUE)
wm$PrecS <- scale(wm$Prec, center = mP, scale = TRUE)

### center only to preserve original measurement scale
wm$TempC <- scale(wm$Temp, center = mT, scale = FALSE)
wm$PrecC <- scale(wm$Prec, center = mP, scale = FALSE)

Main model presented in Extended Data Table 1 comparing decomposition rates of NATURAL WOOD between treatments uncaged and closed

### Subsetting data to focal treatments and either natural tree species or dowels
d_natural_uncaged_closed <- subset(wm, treatment %in% c("uncaged", "closed") & 
                                   dowel == 0)
d_dowel_uncaged_closed <- subset(wm, treatment %in% c("uncaged", "closed") & 
                                 dowel == 1)

### Model for natural wood: uncaged vs. closed (for angio / gymno)
m_n_uc <- glmer(I(drymass_end + .01) ~ 0 +  ### intercept zero
               expoyrs:(TempS * PrecS * clade) +   ### slopes varying in temp and prec
               (0 + expoyrs | PlotID) +    ### space-varying slopes
               expoyrs:treatment +        ### treatment + interactions
               expoyrs:treatment:(TempS * PrecS),
               data = d_natural_uncaged_closed, 
               family = gaussian(link = "log"), 
               offset = log(drymass_start))

### increase iterations => model converges
ss <- getME(m_n_uc, c("theta","fixef"))
m_n_uc <- update(m_n_uc, start = ss, 
                control = glmerControl(optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e6)))
### check convergence (0 means model converged)
## [1] 0

Variance inflation factors

## Warning in vif.merMod(m_n_uc): No intercept: vifs may not be sensible.
##                                   GVIF Df GVIF^(1/(2*Df))
## expoyrs:TempS                 1.207867  1        1.099030
## expoyrs:PrecS                 1.312078  1        1.145460
## expoyrs:clade                 2.653399  2        1.276294
## expoyrs:treatment             1.216151  1        1.102792
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS           1.289184  1        1.135422
## expoyrs:TempS:clade           2.708672  1        1.645804
## expoyrs:PrecS:clade           6.615743  1        2.572109
## expoyrs:TempS:treatment       1.301636  1        1.140893
## expoyrs:PrecS:treatment       1.339201  1        1.157239
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS:clade     7.322192  1        2.705955
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS:treatment 1.433673  1        1.197361
Xscale <- model.matrix(m_n_uc)
# check correlation among predictors
##                                      expoyrs:TempS expoyrs:PrecS expoyrs:cladeangio
## expoyrs:TempS                           1.00000000    0.31263930         0.24577013
## expoyrs:PrecS                           0.31263930    1.00000000         0.15209747
## expoyrs:cladeangio                      0.24577013    0.15209747         1.00000000
## expoyrs:cladegymno                     -0.47692305   -0.20930517        -0.69528583
## expoyrs:treatmentuncaged               -0.06283165    0.00332664         0.17631118
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS                    -0.04161171   -0.14810179        -0.04741402
## expoyrs:TempS:cladegymno                0.58095059    0.21059745         0.55180631
## expoyrs:PrecS:cladegymno                0.23630619    0.42618509         0.22538700
## expoyrs:TempS:treatmentuncaged          0.69314498    0.21522828         0.16222674
## expoyrs:PrecS:treatmentuncaged          0.22360090    0.68246332         0.10351045
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS:cladegymno         -0.29440825   -0.39137224        -0.23840070
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS:treatmentuncaged    0.01830656   -0.09329911        -0.02504622
##                                      expoyrs:cladegymno expoyrs:treatmentuncaged
## expoyrs:TempS                               -0.47692305              -0.06283165
## expoyrs:PrecS                               -0.20930517               0.00332664
## expoyrs:cladeangio                          -0.69528583               0.17631118
## expoyrs:cladegymno                           1.00000000               0.06825995
## expoyrs:treatmentuncaged                     0.06825995               1.00000000
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS                          0.10648430               0.01919709
## expoyrs:TempS:cladegymno                    -0.80421381              -0.05037637
## expoyrs:PrecS:cladegymno                    -0.37503605              -0.03084315
## expoyrs:TempS:treatmentuncaged              -0.32467203              -0.19498929
## expoyrs:PrecS:treatmentuncaged              -0.14624837               0.02918454
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS:cladegymno               0.37206529               0.01953970
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS:treatmentuncaged         0.05422587               0.20823567
##                                      expoyrs:TempS:PrecS expoyrs:TempS:cladegymno
## expoyrs:TempS                                -0.04161171               0.58095059
## expoyrs:PrecS                                -0.14810179               0.21059745
## expoyrs:cladeangio                           -0.04741402               0.55180631
## expoyrs:cladegymno                            0.10648430              -0.80421381
## expoyrs:treatmentuncaged                      0.01919709              -0.05037637
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS                           1.00000000              -0.20383802
## expoyrs:TempS:cladegymno                     -0.20383802               1.00000000
## expoyrs:PrecS:cladegymno                     -0.47516483               0.40669325
## expoyrs:TempS:treatmentuncaged                0.01518715               0.39172225
## expoyrs:PrecS:treatmentuncaged               -0.10257555               0.14228505
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS:cladegymno                0.52223245              -0.50961597
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS:treatmentuncaged          0.69057075              -0.11543984
##                                      expoyrs:PrecS:cladegymno expoyrs:TempS:treatmentuncaged
## expoyrs:TempS                                      0.23630619                   0.6931449757
## expoyrs:PrecS                                      0.42618509                   0.2152282782
## expoyrs:cladeangio                                 0.22538700                   0.1622267419
## expoyrs:cladegymno                                -0.37503605                  -0.3246720295
## expoyrs:treatmentuncaged                          -0.03084315                  -0.1949892937
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS                               -0.47516483                   0.0151871494
## expoyrs:TempS:cladegymno                           0.40669325                   0.3917222535
## expoyrs:PrecS:cladegymno                           1.00000000                   0.1483911729
## expoyrs:TempS:treatmentuncaged                     0.14839117                   1.0000000000
## expoyrs:PrecS:treatmentuncaged                     0.29995452                   0.3121543640
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS:cladegymno                    -0.91207557                  -0.1845123855
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS:treatmentuncaged              -0.30713852                   0.0005987126
##                                      expoyrs:PrecS:treatmentuncaged expoyrs:TempS:PrecS:cladegymno
## expoyrs:TempS                                            0.22360090                     -0.2944083
## expoyrs:PrecS                                            0.68246332                     -0.3913722
## expoyrs:cladeangio                                       0.10351045                     -0.2384007
## expoyrs:cladegymno                                      -0.14624837                      0.3720653
## expoyrs:treatmentuncaged                                 0.02918454                      0.0195397
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS                                     -0.10257555                      0.5222324
## expoyrs:TempS:cladegymno                                 0.14228505                     -0.5096160
## expoyrs:PrecS:cladegymno                                 0.29995452                     -0.9120756
## expoyrs:TempS:treatmentuncaged                           0.31215436                     -0.1845124
## expoyrs:PrecS:treatmentuncaged                           1.00000000                     -0.2711983
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS:cladegymno                          -0.27119828                      1.0000000
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS:treatmentuncaged                    -0.13061873                      0.3342147
##                                      expoyrs:TempS:PrecS:treatmentuncaged
## expoyrs:TempS                                                0.0183065587
## expoyrs:PrecS                                               -0.0932991076
## expoyrs:cladeangio                                          -0.0250462188
## expoyrs:cladegymno                                           0.0542258673
## expoyrs:treatmentuncaged                                     0.2082356703
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS                                          0.6905707533
## expoyrs:TempS:cladegymno                                    -0.1154398423
## expoyrs:PrecS:cladegymno                                    -0.3071385207
## expoyrs:TempS:treatmentuncaged                               0.0005987126
## expoyrs:PrecS:treatmentuncaged                              -0.1306187326
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS:cladegymno                               0.3342147097
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS:treatmentuncaged                         1.0000000000

R2 : marginal (integrating out the random effects) and conditional (given the random effects)

##            R2m       R2c
## [1,] 0.8394324 0.9773549

Model fit: Plot observed dry mass vs fitted dry mass

d_natural_uncaged_closed$fitted <- fitted(m_n_uc)
vcol <- viridis_pal()(3)
tmp <- d_natural_uncaged_closed
levels(tmp$clade) <- c("Angiosperm", "Gymnosperm")
plt <- xyplot(fitted ~ drymass_end | clade + treatment, data = tmp,
      groups = Biome, pch = 19, col = vcol,
      par.settings = list(superpose.symbol = list (col=vcol, pch = 19)),
      between = list(x = 1, y = 1),
      xlab = "Observed dry mass", ylab = "Fitted dry mass",
      auto.key = list(space = "right", title = "Biome",
                      lines = FALSE, points = TRUE, 
                       col = "black"))

if (TIFF)
  tiff(filename = "products/ObsFitted.tif",width = 7, height = 7.5,res=300,units="in",compression = "lzw")


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12

if (TIFF)

Model output with transformed variables for natural wood comparing uncaged vs. closed

## Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace Approximation) ['glmerMod']
##  Family: gaussian  ( log )
## Formula: I(drymass_end + 0.01) ~ 0 + expoyrs:(TempS * PrecS * clade) +  
##     (0 + expoyrs | PlotID) + expoyrs:treatment + expoyrs:treatment:(TempS *      PrecS)
##    Data: d_natural_uncaged_closed
##  Offset: log(drymass_start)
## Control: glmerControl(optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e+06))
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##  -8427.6  -8345.9   4227.8  -8455.6     2519 
## Scaled residuals: 
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -9.9672 -0.3395  0.0793  0.4710 10.1158 
## Random effects:
##  Groups   Name    Variance Std.Dev.
##  PlotID   expoyrs 0.003108 0.05575 
##  Residual         0.002095 0.04577 
## Number of obs: 2533, groups:  PlotID, 55
## Fixed effects:
##                                       Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|z|)    
## expoyrs:TempS                        -0.087044   0.023889  -3.644 0.000269 ***
## expoyrs:PrecS                        -0.021232   0.022495  -0.944 0.345244    
## expoyrs:cladeangio                   -0.150504   0.022506  -6.687 2.27e-11 ***
## expoyrs:cladegymno                   -0.082867   0.024862  -3.333 0.000859 ***
## expoyrs:treatmentuncaged             -0.029228   0.005694  -5.133 2.85e-07 ***
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS                  -0.030245   0.021493  -1.407 0.159359    
## expoyrs:TempS:cladegymno              0.039649   0.009882   4.012 6.02e-05 ***
## expoyrs:PrecS:cladegymno             -0.002946   0.024293  -0.121 0.903473    
## expoyrs:TempS:treatmentuncaged       -0.032905   0.005867  -5.608 2.04e-08 ***
## expoyrs:PrecS:treatmentuncaged       -0.035457   0.006249  -5.674 1.40e-08 ***
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS:cladegymno        0.005545   0.017512   0.317 0.751508    
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS:treatmentuncaged -0.038991   0.006044  -6.451 1.11e-10 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##                    exp:TS exp:PS expyrs:cldn expyrs:cldg expyrs:t ex:TS:PS expyrs:TmpS:c
## expyrs:PrcS        -0.287                                                               
## expyrs:cldn        -0.190 -0.028                                                        
## expyrs:cldg        -0.154 -0.039  0.885                                                 
## expyrs:trtm        -0.036  0.021 -0.121      -0.129                                     
## expyr:TS:PS        -0.019 -0.324 -0.255      -0.218       0.030                         
## expyrs:TmpS:c      -0.017  0.007  0.010       0.315      -0.030   -0.006                
## expyrs:PrcS:c       0.032 -0.055 -0.025       0.113      -0.001    0.038    0.265       
## expyrs:TmpS:t      -0.117  0.039 -0.034      -0.042       0.324   -0.020   -0.034       
## expyrs:PrcS:t       0.022 -0.103  0.021       0.023      -0.087   -0.040    0.009       
## expyrs:TmpS:PrcS:c  0.017 -0.016 -0.008       0.106      -0.003   -0.002    0.424       
## expyrs:TmpS:PrcS:t -0.022 -0.026  0.035       0.035      -0.172   -0.118    0.013       
##                    expyrs:PrcS:c expyrs:TmpS:t expyrs:PrcS:t expyrs:TmpS:PrcS:c
## expyrs:PrcS                                                                    
## expyrs:cldn                                                                    
## expyrs:cldg                                                                    
## expyrs:trtm                                                                    
## expyr:TS:PS                                                                    
## expyrs:TmpS:c                                                                  
## expyrs:PrcS:c                                                                  
## expyrs:TmpS:t       0.008                                                      
## expyrs:PrcS:t      -0.009        -0.157                                        
## expyrs:TmpS:PrcS:c  0.889         0.014        -0.003                          
## expyrs:TmpS:PrcS:t -0.004         0.168         0.428        -0.016            
## optimizer (Nelder_Mead) convergence code: 0 (OK)
## Model failed to converge with max|grad| = 0.00285545 (tol = 0.002, component 1)

Transform temperature and precipitation back to degree Celsius and dm per year.

TempC is temperature in °C - 15 and PrecC is precipitation in dm / a - 13.

Effects of TempC can be interpreted as effect of increasing temperature by 1 °C when precipitation is 13 dm/a.

Effects of PreC can be interpreted as effect an additional dm / a when temperature is 15 °C.

Xscale <- model.matrix(m_n_uc)
Xorig <- model.matrix(~ 0 +  ### intercept zero
    expoyrs:(TempC * PrecC * clade) +   ### slopes varying in temp and prec
    expoyrs:treatment +        ### treatment + interactions
    expoyrs:treatment:(TempC * PrecC), 
    data = droplevels(d_natural_uncaged_closed))

K <- solve(crossprod(Xorig)) %*% crossprod(Xorig, Xscale)
g <- glht(m_n_uc, linfct = K)

## check back-transformation
a <- c(predict(m_n_uc, newdata = d_natural_uncaged_closed, re.form = NA))
stopifnot(all.equal(coef(g), coef(lm(a ~ 0 + Xorig)), check.attributes = FALSE))
stopifnot(all.equal(c(Xorig %*% coef(g)), a, check.attributes = FALSE))

Create main model output table (Extended Data Table 1) for natural wood

### Model output
(tab <- summary(g, test = univariate()))
##   Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
## Fit: glmer(formula = I(drymass_end + 0.01) ~ 0 + expoyrs:(TempS * 
##     PrecS * clade) + (0 + expoyrs | PlotID) + expoyrs:treatment + 
##     expoyrs:treatment:(TempS * PrecS), data = d_natural_uncaged_closed, 
##     family = gaussian(link = "log"), control = glmerControl(optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e+06)), 
##     start = ss, offset = log(drymass_start))
## Linear Hypotheses:
##                                             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## expoyrs:TempC == 0                        -0.0110069  0.0030209  -3.644 0.000269 ***
## expoyrs:PrecC == 0                        -0.0031350  0.0033215  -0.944 0.345244    
## expoyrs:cladeangio == 0                   -0.1505040  0.0225062  -6.687 2.27e-11 ***
## expoyrs:cladegymno == 0                   -0.0828672  0.0248622  -3.333 0.000859 ***
## expoyrs:treatmentuncaged == 0             -0.0292280  0.0056937  -5.133 2.85e-07 ***
## expoyrs:TempC:PrecC == 0                  -0.0005647  0.0004013  -1.407 0.159359    
## expoyrs:TempC:cladegymno == 0              0.0050137  0.0012496   4.012 6.02e-05 ***
## expoyrs:PrecC:cladegymno == 0             -0.0004350  0.0035868  -0.121 0.903473    
## expoyrs:TempC:treatmentuncaged == 0       -0.0041608  0.0007419  -5.608 2.04e-08 ***
## expoyrs:PrecC:treatmentuncaged == 0       -0.0052353  0.0009227  -5.674 1.40e-08 ***
## expoyrs:TempC:PrecC:cladegymno == 0        0.0001035  0.0003270   0.317 0.751508    
## expoyrs:TempC:PrecC:treatmentuncaged == 0 -0.0007280  0.0001128  -6.451 1.11e-10 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Univariate p values reported)

Relative effects and confidence intervals

### confidence intervals
ci <- confint(g, calpha = univariate_calpha())$confint
### Relative effects
### Parameter interpretation
### "expoyrs:TempC": multiplicative effect of 1 °C temperature increase on 
###                  annual dry mass _when_ precipitation is 13 dm/a
### 0.989 means that when we increase the temperature by 1 °C and keep all
### other variables fix (precipitation at 13 dm/a, clade and treatment), after one
### year we observe 98.9% of the dry mass we would have observed without
### this intervention. This is equivalent to 1.1% additional mass loss
### induced by the 1 °C higher temperature.
### "expoyrs:PrecC": multiplicative effect of 1 am/a precipitation increase on 
###                  annual dry mass _when_ temperature is 13 °C
### 0.997 means that when we increase precipitation by 1 dm/a and keep all
### other variables fix (temperature at 13 °C, clade and treatment), after one
### year we observe 99.7% of the dry mass we would have observed without
### this intervention.
### "expoyrs:cladeangio": A multiplicative constant for angiosperm species
### "expoyrs:cladegymno": A multiplicative constant for gymnosperm species
### "expoyrs:treatmentuncaged": Multiplicative treatment effect comparing "uncaged" to the
###                             "closed" baseline
### 0.971 means that with insect access to the wood, after one year 
### we observe 97.1% of the dry mass we would have observed without insects 
### at a temperature of 15 °C and precipitation equal to 13 dm/a.
### "expoyrs:TempC:PrecC": Multiplicative interaction effect of temperature
###                        and precipitation. 
### Only present when temperature != 15 °C and precipitation != 13 dm/a. 
### If clade == "angio" and treatment == "closed", 0.999 means that a one
### unit increase in both temperature and precipitation leads to
### 0.989 x 0.997 x 0.999 x 100 % the annual dry mass we would have observed 
### without such an intervention (product of main and interaction effects).
### "expoyrs:TempC:cladegymno": The additional temperature effect for gymnosperm species
### "expoyrs:PrecC:cladegymno": The additional precipitation effect for gymnosperm species
### "expoyrs:TempC:treatmentuncaged": Temperature as treatment effect
###                                   modifier when precipitation is 13 dm/a
### 0.996 means that a temperature increase by 1 °C with insect access leads to 99.6%
### of the dry mass we would have observed (after one year) with insect
### access at a precipitation of 13 dm /a.
### "expoyrs:PrecC:treatmentuncaged": Precipitation as treatment effect
###                                   modifier when temperature is 13 °C
### 0.995 means that 1 dm/a more precipitation with insect access leads to 99.6%
### of the dry mass we would have observed (after one year) with insect
### access at 13 °C
### "expoyrs:TempC:PrecC:cladegymno": The additional temperature x precipitation 
###                                   interaction effect for gymnosperm species
### "expoyrs:TempC:PrecC:treatmentuncaged": Temperature and precipitation as treatment effect
###                                   modifiers
### 0.999 means that a one unit increase in both temperature and precipitation leads to
### 0.989 x 0.997 x 0.971 x 0.999 x 0.996 x 0.995 x 0.999 x 100% the annual dry mass we would have observed 
### without such an intervention (product of main and interaction effects)
### for angiosperm species.
##                                       Estimate       lwr       upr
## expoyrs:TempC                        0.9890535 0.9832148 0.9949268
## expoyrs:PrecC                        0.9968699 0.9904015 1.0033807
## expoyrs:cladeangio                   0.8602743 0.8231512 0.8990716
## expoyrs:cladegymno                   0.9204734 0.8766948 0.9664380
## expoyrs:treatmentuncaged             0.9711950 0.9604172 0.9820937
## expoyrs:TempC:PrecC                  0.9994355 0.9986497 1.0002218
## expoyrs:TempC:cladegymno             1.0050263 1.0025677 1.0074908
## expoyrs:PrecC:cladegymno             0.9995651 0.9925627 1.0066169
## expoyrs:TempC:treatmentuncaged       0.9958478 0.9944008 0.9972969
## expoyrs:PrecC:treatmentuncaged       0.9947784 0.9929810 0.9965790
## expoyrs:TempC:PrecC:cladegymno       1.0001035 0.9994628 1.0007447
## expoyrs:TempC:PrecC:treatmentuncaged 0.9992723 0.9990513 0.9994933
## attr(,"conf.level")
## [1] 0.95
## attr(,"calpha")
## [1] 1.959964

Visualisation of treatment effect in the presense of interaction effects. For a given temperature, precipitation, and host (angiosperm or gymnosperm), the expected wood mass loss after one year is “L” under closed cages. Uncaged, the wood mass loss changes to “p * L”, is p x 100% of the wood mass loss under closed cases. The relative treatment effect p is plotted here.

Interpretation: For sites with higher temperature (~ > 4 °C), increasing precipitation leads to increased dry mass loss in the uncaged case. In colder environments, increasing precipitation reduces dry mass loss and, in extremely cold places (-2 °C), precipitation of more than ~ 10 dm/a wood mass increases over the course of a year up to ~6 %.

qtm <- -.5:7 * 4
tmi <- cut(d_natural_uncaged_closed$Temp, breaks = qtm)
pr <- seq(from = min(d_natural_uncaged_closed$Prec), 
          to = max(d_natural_uncaged_closed$Prec), length = 20)
nd <- expand.grid(Temp = qtm, Prec = pr, 
                  clade = unique(d_natural_uncaged_closed$clade),
                  treatment = unique(d_natural_uncaged_closed$treatment)[, drop = TRUE],
                  expoyrs = 1)
nd$Tempf <- factor(nd$Temp, levels = qtm, 
                   labels = paste(ifelse(qtm > 0 & qtm < 10, " ", ""), qtm))

### compute convex hull of observed Temp and Prec and plot
### model only inside this convex hull
angio <- subset(subset(wm, clade == "angio"), !duplicated(PlotID))
gymno <- subset(subset(wm, clade == "gymno"), !duplicated(PlotID))
ch_a <- tri.mesh(angio$Temp, angio$Prec)
ch_g <- tri.mesh(gymno$Temp, gymno$Prec)
nd$inhull <- TRUE
nd$inhull[nd$clade == "angio"] <- in.convex.hull(ch_a, 
    nd[nd$clade == "angio", "Temp"], nd[nd$clade == "angio", "Prec"])
nd$inhull[nd$clade == "gymno"] <- in.convex.hull(ch_g, 
    nd[nd$clade == "gymno", "Temp"], nd[nd$clade == "gymno", "Prec"])

nd_1 <- subset(nd, treatment == "uncaged")
nd_2 <- subset(nd, treatment == "closed")

nd_1$TempS <- scale(nd_1$Temp, center = attr(wm$TempS, "scaled:center"),
                    scale = attr(wm$TempS, "scaled:scale"))
nd_2$TempS <- scale(nd_2$Temp, center = attr(wm$TempS, "scaled:center"),
                    scale = attr(wm$TempS, "scaled:scale"))
nd_1$PrecS <- scale(nd_1$Prec, center = attr(wm$PrecS, "scaled:center"),
                    scale = attr(wm$PrecS, "scaled:scale"))
nd_2$PrecS <- scale(nd_2$Prec, center = attr(wm$PrecS, "scaled:center"),
                    scale = attr(wm$PrecS, "scaled:scale"))
nd_1$lp <- predict(m_n_uc, newdata = nd_1, re.form = NA) - 
           predict(m_n_uc, newdata = nd_2, re.form = NA)

col <- rev(sequential_hcl(length(qtm), palette = "Red-Blue"))
lwd <- 2

nd_1$lp_u <- predict(m_n_uc, newdata = nd_1, re.form = NA)
levels(nd_1$clade) <- c("Angiosperm", "Gymnosperm")

# Interpretation: For sites with higher temperature (~ > 4 °C), increasing
# precipitation leads to increased dry mass loss in the uncaged case. In 
# colder environments, increasing precipitation reduces dry mass loss and,
# in extremely cold places (-2 °C), precipitation of more than ~ 10 dm/a 
# wood mass increases over the course of a year up to ~6 %.

p1 <- xyplot(I((1 - exp(lp_u)) * 100) ~ Prec | clade, data = nd_1, groups = Tempf, type = "l",
       col = col, xlab = "Precipitation [dm / a]", 
       ylab = "Annual mass loss [%]", lwd = lwd,
       scales = list(tck = c(1, 0), alternating = FALSE), subset = inhull,
       between = list(x = 1),
       panel = function(...) {
           panel.abline(h = 0, col = "lightgrey", lty = 2)
       main = "a All decomposers",
       par.settings = list(superpose.line = list (col=col, lty = 1, lwd = lwd),
                           par.main.text = list(font = 1, 
                                                just = "left", 
                                                x = grid::unit(5, "mm"))),
       auto.key = list(space = "right", title = "Temp. [°C]",
                       columns = 1, lines = TRUE, points = FALSE, 
                       col = "black"))

# Visualisation of treatment effect.
# Interpretation: When comparing uncaged vs. closed treatments, 
# insect access ("uncaged") at sites with higher temperature (~ > 4 °C) leads to 
# accelerated dry mass loss, the effect increases with increasing
# precipitation. In colder environments, insect access leads to a stronger
# accumulation of dry mass over the course of a year than observed without
# insect access.

p2 <- xyplot(I((1 - exp(lp)) * 100) ~ Prec | clade, data = nd_1, groups = Tempf, type = "l",
       col = col, xlab = "Precipitation [dm / a]", 
       ylab = "Annual mass loss [%]", lwd = lwd,
       scales = list(tck = c(1, 0), alternating = FALSE), subset = inhull,
       between = list(x = 1),
       panel = function(...) {
           panel.abline(h = 0, col = "lightgrey", lty = 2)
       main = "b Net insect effect",
       par.settings = list(superpose.line = list (col=col, lty = 1, lwd = lwd),
                           par.main.text = list(font = 1, 
                                                just = "left", 
                                                x = grid::unit(5, "mm"))),
       auto.key = list(space = "right", title = "Temp. [°C]",
                       columns = 1, lines = TRUE, points = FALSE, 
                       col = "black"))

if (TIFF)
  tiff(filename = "products/ExtendedDataFigure4.tif",width = 7, height = 7.5,res=300,units="in",compression = "lzw")

grid.arrange(arrangeGrob(p1, p2, nrow = 2))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-17

if (TIFF)

Second model presented in Table 1 comparing decomposition rates of DOWELS between treatments uncaged and closed

m_d_uc <- glmer(I(drymass_end + .01) ~ 0 +  ### intercept zero
               expoyrs:(TempS * PrecS) +    ### slopes varying in temp and prec
               (0 + expoyrs | PlotID) +    ### space-varying slopes
               expoyrs:treatment +        ### treatment + interactions
               expoyrs:treatment:(TempS * PrecS),
               data = d_dowel_uncaged_closed, 
               family = gaussian(link = "log"), 
               offset = log(drymass_start))

ss <- getME(m_d_uc, c("theta","fixef"))
m_d_uc <- update(m_d_uc, start = ss, 
                control = glmerControl(optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e6)))
### check convergence (0 means model converged)
## [1] 0

Model output with transformed variables for dowels comparing uncaged vs. closed

## Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace Approximation) ['glmerMod']
##  Family: gaussian  ( log )
## Formula: I(drymass_end + 0.01) ~ 0 + expoyrs:(TempS * PrecS) + (0 + expoyrs |  
##     PlotID) + expoyrs:treatment + expoyrs:treatment:(TempS *      PrecS)
##    Data: d_dowel_uncaged_closed
##  Offset: log(drymass_start)
## Control: glmerControl(optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e+06))
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##  -1514.1  -1473.8    767.0  -1534.1      405 
## Scaled residuals: 
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -3.2170 -0.3523  0.0901  0.4333  3.2177 
## Random effects:
##  Groups   Name    Variance Std.Dev.
##  PlotID   expoyrs 0.00619  0.07868 
##  Residual         0.00138  0.03715 
## Number of obs: 415, groups:  PlotID, 54
## Fixed effects:
##                                      Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|z|)    
## expoyrs:TempS                        -0.14170    0.03102  -4.569 4.91e-06 ***
## expoyrs:PrecS                        -0.04196    0.02891  -1.451  0.14670    
## expoyrs:treatmentclosed              -0.11977    0.02836  -4.223 2.41e-05 ***
## expoyrs:treatmentuncaged             -0.16634    0.02775  -5.995 2.04e-09 ***
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS                  -0.08554    0.02688  -3.182  0.00146 ** 
## expoyrs:TempS:treatmentuncaged       -0.03973    0.01263  -3.144  0.00166 ** 
## expoyrs:PrecS:treatmentuncaged       -0.02435    0.01317  -1.849  0.06451 .  
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS:treatmentuncaged -0.03412    0.01471  -2.320  0.02035 *  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##                exp:TS exp:PS expyrs:trtmntc expyrs:trtmntn ex:TS:PS ex:TS: ex:PS:
## expyrs:PrcS    -0.392                                                            
## expyrs:trtmntc -0.109 -0.016                                                     
## expyrs:trtmntn -0.168 -0.013  0.917                                              
## expyr:TS:PS     0.148 -0.219 -0.291         -0.302                               
## expyrs:TmS:    -0.274  0.009 -0.122          0.084         -0.108                
## expyrs:PrS:    -0.035 -0.218 -0.013          0.023         -0.195    0.146       
## expy:TS:PS:    -0.093 -0.107 -0.009          0.022         -0.325    0.384  0.654

Transform temperature and precipitation back to degree Celsius and dm per year

Xscale <- model.matrix(m_d_uc)
Xorig <- model.matrix(~ 0 +  ### intercept zero
    expoyrs:(TempC * PrecC) +   ### slopes varying in temp and prec
    expoyrs:treatment +        ### treatment + interactions
    expoyrs:treatment:(TempC * PrecC), 
    data = droplevels(d_dowel_uncaged_closed))

K <- solve(crossprod(Xorig)) %*% crossprod(Xorig, Xscale)
g <- glht(m_d_uc, linfct = K)

Create main model output table (Table 1) for dowels

### Model output
(tab <- summary(g, test = univariate()))
##   Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
## Fit: glmer(formula = I(drymass_end + 0.01) ~ 0 + expoyrs:(TempS * 
##     PrecS) + (0 + expoyrs | PlotID) + expoyrs:treatment + expoyrs:treatment:(TempS * 
##     PrecS), data = d_dowel_uncaged_closed, family = gaussian(link = "log"), 
##     control = glmerControl(optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e+06)), start = ss, 
##     offset = log(drymass_start))
## Linear Hypotheses:
##                                             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## expoyrs:TempC == 0                        -0.0179181  0.0039220  -4.569 4.91e-06 ***
## expoyrs:PrecC == 0                        -0.0061949  0.0042685  -1.451  0.14670    
## expoyrs:treatmentclosed == 0              -0.1197672  0.0283608  -4.223 2.41e-05 ***
## expoyrs:treatmentuncaged == 0             -0.1663416  0.0277477  -5.995 2.04e-09 ***
## expoyrs:TempC:PrecC == 0                  -0.0015970  0.0005019  -3.182  0.00146 ** 
## expoyrs:TempC:treatmentuncaged == 0       -0.0050237  0.0015976  -3.144  0.00166 ** 
## expoyrs:PrecC:treatmentuncaged == 0       -0.0035949  0.0019446  -1.849  0.06451 .  
## expoyrs:TempC:PrecC:treatmentuncaged == 0 -0.0006371  0.0002746  -2.320  0.02035 *  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Univariate p values reported)

Relative effects and confidence intervals

### confidence intervals
ci <- confint(g, calpha = univariate_calpha())$confint
### relative effects
##                                       Estimate       lwr       upr
## expoyrs:TempC                        0.9822415 0.9747199 0.9898211
## expoyrs:PrecC                        0.9938243 0.9855445 1.0021736
## expoyrs:treatmentclosed              0.8871270 0.8391605 0.9378352
## expoyrs:treatmentuncaged             0.8467569 0.8019363 0.8940826
## expoyrs:TempC:PrecC                  0.9984042 0.9974225 0.9993869
## expoyrs:TempC:treatmentuncaged       0.9949889 0.9918781 0.9981094
## expoyrs:PrecC:treatmentuncaged       0.9964115 0.9926211 1.0002165
## expoyrs:TempC:PrecC:treatmentuncaged 0.9993632 0.9988254 0.9999012
## attr(,"conf.level")
## [1] 0.95
## attr(,"calpha")
## [1] 1.959964
### Relative effects for comparison between treatments
### Treatment effect when temperature is 15 ° Celsius and 
### when precipitation is 13 dm/a
g <- glht(m_d_uc, linfct = c("expoyrs:treatmentuncaged - expoyrs:treatmentclosed = 0"))
##   Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
## Fit: glmer(formula = I(drymass_end + 0.01) ~ 0 + expoyrs:(TempS * 
##     PrecS) + (0 + expoyrs | PlotID) + expoyrs:treatment + expoyrs:treatment:(TempS * 
##     PrecS), data = d_dowel_uncaged_closed, family = gaussian(link = "log"), 
##     control = glmerControl(optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e+06)), start = ss, 
##     offset = log(drymass_start))
## Linear Hypotheses:
##                                                         Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## expoyrs:treatmentuncaged - expoyrs:treatmentclosed == 0 -0.04657    0.01145  -4.067 4.76e-05 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
##                                                     Estimate       lwr      upr
## expoyrs:treatmentuncaged - expoyrs:treatmentclosed 0.9544935 0.9333089 0.976159
## attr(,"conf.level")
## [1] 0.95
## attr(,"calpha")
## [1] 1.959964

Compute fitted values for annual wood decomposition rates in uncaged and closed treatment for each experimental site, seperately for natural wood (angiosperm and gymnosperm seperately where applicable) and dowels

### For natural wood, fitted values include three scenarios: main result based on model estimates used to generate Table 1 
### and "Model uncertainity scenarios" based on upper and lower confidence intervals of fixed effects used for sensitivity analysis (Extended Data Table 2) 

a <- subset(wm, treatment == "uncaged" & clade == "angio")
TP_a <-"rbind", tapply(1:nrow(a), a$PlotID, function(i) {
    a[i[1], c("PlotID", "Temp", "Prec")]
g <- subset(wm, clade != "angio")
TP_g <-"rbind", tapply(1:nrow(g), g$PlotID, function(i) {
    g[i[1], c("PlotID", "Temp", "Prec")]
TPS_a <-"rbind", tapply(1:nrow(a), a$PlotID, function(i) {
    a[i[1], c("PlotID", "TempS", "PrecS")]
TPS_a$expoyrs <- 1
clade <- sort(unique(wm$clade))
TPS_a$clade <- clade[1]
TPS_g <-"rbind", tapply(1:nrow(g), g$PlotID, function(i) {
    g[i[1], c("PlotID", "TempS", "PrecS")]
TPS_g$expoyrs <- 1
TPS_g$clade <- clade[2]

trt <- sort(unique(wm$treatment))
TPS_a$treatment <- trt[trt == "uncaged"]
TPS_a$rate_n_uncaged <- exp(predict(m_n_uc, newdata = TPS_a))

fm <- ~ 0 + expoyrs:(TempS * PrecS * clade) +    ### slopes varying in temp and prec
                    expoyrs:treatment +        ### treatment + interactions
                    expoyrs:treatment:(TempS * PrecS)
K_a <- model.matrix(fm, data = TPS_a)[, names(fixef(m_n_uc))]
ci <- confint(glht(m_n_uc, linfct = K_a), 
              calpha = univariate_calpha())$confint
colnames(ci) <- paste0("rate_n_uncaged", colnames(ci))
TPS_a <- cbind(TPS_a, 
                   ### confint for FIXED effects
                   ci + 
                   ### add estimated RANDOM effect (w/o uncertainty!!!)
                   predict(m_n_uc, newdata = TPS_a, random.only = TRUE)
stopifnot(with(TPS_a, all.equal(rate_n_uncaged, rate_n_uncagedEstimate)))

TPS_a$treatment <- trt[trt == "closed"]
TPS_a$rate_n_closed <- exp(predict(m_n_uc, newdata = TPS_a))

K_a <- model.matrix(fm, data = TPS_a)[, names(fixef(m_n_uc))]
ci <- confint(glht(m_n_uc, linfct = K_a), 
              calpha = univariate_calpha())$confint
colnames(ci) <- paste0("rate_n_closed", colnames(ci))
TPS_a <- cbind(TPS_a, 
                   ### confint for FIXED effects
                   ci + 
                   ### add estimated RANDOM effect (w/o uncertainty!!!)
                   predict(m_n_uc, newdata = TPS_a, random.only = TRUE)
stopifnot(with(TPS_a, all.equal(rate_n_closed, rate_n_closedEstimate)))

TPS_g$treatment <- trt[trt == "uncaged"]
TPS_g$rate_n_uncaged <- exp(predict(m_n_uc, newdata = TPS_g))

K_g <- model.matrix(fm, data = TPS_g)[, names(fixef(m_n_uc))]
ci <- confint(glht(m_n_uc, linfct = K_g), 
              calpha = univariate_calpha())$confint
colnames(ci) <- paste0("rate_n_uncaged", colnames(ci))
TPS_g <- cbind(TPS_g, 
                   ### confint for FIXED effects
                   ci + 
                   ### add estimated RANDOM effect (w/o uncertainty!!!)
                   predict(m_n_uc, newdata = TPS_g, random.only = TRUE)
stopifnot(with(TPS_g, all.equal(rate_n_uncaged, rate_n_uncagedEstimate)))

TPS_g$treatment <- trt[trt == "closed"]
TPS_g$rate_n_closed <- exp(predict(m_n_uc, newdata = TPS_g))

K_g <- model.matrix(fm, data = TPS_g)[, names(fixef(m_n_uc))]
ci <- confint(glht(m_n_uc, linfct = K_g), 
              calpha = univariate_calpha())$confint
colnames(ci) <- paste0("rate_n_closed", colnames(ci))
TPS_g <- cbind(TPS_g, 
                   ### confint for FIXED effects
                   ci + 
                   ### add estimated RANDOM effect (w/o uncertainty!!!)
                   predict(m_n_uc, newdata = TPS_g, random.only = TRUE)
stopifnot(with(TPS_g, all.equal(rate_n_closed, rate_n_closedEstimate)))

biome <-"rbind", tapply(1:nrow(wm), wm$PlotID, function(i) 
    wm[i[1], c("PlotID", "biome")]))

x_a <- merge(merge(TP_a, TPS_a, by = "PlotID"), biome, by = "PlotID")
x_g <- merge(merge(TP_g, TPS_g, by = "PlotID"), biome, by = "PlotID")

### Results for natural wood for uncaged and closed treatments
ret_n <- rbind(x_a, x_g)

no_dowel <- levels(wm$PlotID)[table(d_dowel_uncaged_closed$PlotID) == 0]
tmp <- subset(TPS_a, !(PlotID %in% no_dowel))
tmp$rate_n_uncaged <- tmp$rate_n_closed <- tmp$rate_n_uncagedEstimate <- tmp$rate_n_closedEstimate <- tmp$rate_n_uncagedlwr <- tmp$rate_n_closedlwr <- tmp$rate_n_uncagedupr <- tmp$rate_n_closedupr<- NULL
tmp$treatment <- trt[trt == "uncaged"]
tmp$rate_d_uncaged <- exp(predict(m_d_uc, newdata = tmp))
tmp$treatment <- trt[trt == "closed"]
tmp$rate_d_closed <- exp(predict(m_d_uc, newdata = tmp))

### Results for dowels for uncaged and closed treatments
ret_d <- merge(merge(TP_a, tmp, by = "PlotID"), biome, by = "PlotID")

Additional models comparing decomposition rates between open and uncaged treatments (not shown in paper)

### Subsetting data to focal treatments and either natural tree species or dowels
d_natural_uncaged_open <- subset(wm, treatment %in% c("uncaged", "open") & 
                                      dowel == 0)
d_dowel_uncaged_open <- subset(wm, treatment %in% c("uncaged", "open") & 
                                    dowel == 1)

### Model for natural wood: uncaged vs. open (for angio / gymno)
m_n_uo <- glmer(I(drymass_end + .01) ~ 0 +  ### intercept zero
               expoyrs:(TempS * PrecS * clade) +    ### slopes varying in temp and prec
               (0 + expoyrs | PlotID) +    ### space-varying slopes
               expoyrs:treatment +        ### treatment + interactions
               expoyrs:treatment:(TempS * PrecS),
               data = d_natural_uncaged_open, 
               family = gaussian(link = "log"), 
               offset = log(drymass_start))

ss <- getME(m_n_uo , c("theta","fixef"))
m_n_uo <- update(m_n_uo, start = ss, 
                control = glmerControl(optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e6)))
### check convergence (0 means model converged)
## [1] 0
## Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace Approximation) ['glmerMod']
##  Family: gaussian  ( log )
## Formula: I(drymass_end + 0.01) ~ 0 + expoyrs:(TempS * PrecS * clade) +  
##     (0 + expoyrs | PlotID) + expoyrs:treatment + expoyrs:treatment:(TempS *      PrecS)
##    Data: d_natural_uncaged_open
##  Offset: log(drymass_start)
## Control: glmerControl(optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e+06))
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##  -8023.0  -7941.7   4025.5  -8051.0     2447 
## Scaled residuals: 
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -9.0577 -0.2816  0.0732  0.4238  9.4172 
## Random effects:
##  Groups   Name    Variance Std.Dev.
##  PlotID   expoyrs 0.003573 0.05977 
##  Residual         0.002242 0.04735 
## Number of obs: 2461, groups:  PlotID, 55
## Fixed effects:
##                                       Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|z|)    
## expoyrs:TempS                        -0.119215   0.025587  -4.659 3.18e-06 ***
## expoyrs:PrecS                        -0.032905   0.024467  -1.345 0.178669    
## expoyrs:cladeangio                   -0.166628   0.024627  -6.766 1.32e-11 ***
## expoyrs:cladegymno                   -0.103348   0.026690  -3.872 0.000108 ***
## expoyrs:treatmentuncaged             -0.020840   0.005763  -3.616 0.000299 ***
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS                  -0.044277   0.023050  -1.921 0.054740 .  
## expoyrs:TempS:cladegymno              0.043437   0.009651   4.501 6.77e-06 ***
## expoyrs:PrecS:cladegymno             -0.014619   0.023387  -0.625 0.531928    
## expoyrs:TempS:treatmentuncaged       -0.014606   0.006109  -2.391 0.016801 *  
## expoyrs:PrecS:treatmentuncaged       -0.009870   0.006834  -1.444 0.148664    
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS:cladegymno       -0.009960   0.016892  -0.590 0.555417    
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS:treatmentuncaged -0.012208   0.006617  -1.845 0.065044 .  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##                    exp:TS exp:PS expyrs:cldn expyrs:cldg expyrs:t ex:TS:PS expyrs:TmpS:c
## expyrs:PrcS        -0.324                                                               
## expyrs:cldn        -0.193 -0.012                                                        
## expyrs:cldg        -0.163 -0.021  0.906                                                 
## expyrs:trtm        -0.040  0.019 -0.119      -0.119                                     
## expyr:TS:PS         0.019 -0.316 -0.289      -0.257       0.020                         
## expyrs:TmpS:c      -0.023  0.005  0.012       0.281      -0.023   -0.003                
## expyrs:PrcS:c       0.027 -0.045 -0.023       0.101       0.002    0.036    0.258       
## expyrs:TmpS:t      -0.127  0.025 -0.035      -0.038       0.321   -0.016    0.010       
## expyrs:PrcS:t       0.012 -0.121  0.017       0.018      -0.073   -0.056   -0.001       
## expyrs:TmpS:PrcS:c  0.014 -0.009 -0.008       0.094      -0.002   -0.003    0.402       
## expyrs:TmpS:PrcS:t -0.016 -0.041  0.021       0.020      -0.131   -0.141    0.021       
##                    expyrs:PrcS:c expyrs:TmpS:t expyrs:PrcS:t expyrs:TmpS:PrcS:c
## expyrs:PrcS                                                                    
## expyrs:cldn                                                                    
## expyrs:cldg                                                                    
## expyrs:trtm                                                                    
## expyr:TS:PS                                                                    
## expyrs:TmpS:c                                                                  
## expyrs:PrcS:c                                                                  
## expyrs:TmpS:t       0.014                                                      
## expyrs:PrcS:t      -0.011        -0.120                                        
## expyrs:TmpS:PrcS:c  0.879         0.032        -0.011                          
## expyrs:TmpS:PrcS:t -0.018         0.139         0.440        -0.022
### Model for dowels: uncaged vs. open
m_d_uo <- glmer(I(drymass_end + .01) ~ 0 +  ### intercept zero
               expoyrs:(TempS * PrecS) +    ### slopes varying in temp and prec
               (0 + expoyrs | PlotID) +    ### space-varying slopes
               expoyrs:treatment +        ### treatment + interactions
               expoyrs:treatment:(TempS * PrecS),
               data = d_dowel_uncaged_open, 
               family = gaussian(link = "log"), 
               offset = log(drymass_start))

ss <- getME(m_d_uo, c("theta","fixef"))
m_d_uo <- update(m_d_uo, start = ss, 
                control = glmerControl(optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e6)))
### check convergence (0 means model converged)
## [1] 0
## Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace Approximation) ['glmerMod']
##  Family: gaussian  ( log )
## Formula: I(drymass_end + 0.01) ~ 0 + expoyrs:(TempS * PrecS) + (0 + expoyrs |  
##     PlotID) + expoyrs:treatment + expoyrs:treatment:(TempS *      PrecS)
##    Data: d_dowel_uncaged_open
##  Offset: log(drymass_start)
## Control: glmerControl(optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e+06))
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##  -2000.2  -1957.4   1010.1  -2020.2      522 
## Scaled residuals: 
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -3.9651 -0.2613  0.0838  0.4110  4.2295 
## Random effects:
##  Groups   Name    Variance Std.Dev.
##  PlotID   expoyrs 0.020557 0.14338 
##  Residual         0.001366 0.03696 
## Number of obs: 532, groups:  PlotID, 55
## Fixed effects:
##                                       Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|z|)    
## expoyrs:TempS                        -0.359931   0.079924  -4.503 6.69e-06 ***
## expoyrs:PrecS                        -0.003131   0.077391  -0.040  0.96773    
## expoyrs:treatmentopen                -0.228259   0.073926  -3.088  0.00202 ** 
## expoyrs:treatmentuncaged             -0.236642   0.074002  -3.198  0.00138 ** 
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS                  -0.160763   0.066325  -2.424  0.01536 *  
## expoyrs:TempS:treatmentuncaged       -0.004508   0.010497  -0.429  0.66761    
## expoyrs:PrecS:treatmentuncaged       -0.007555   0.011458  -0.659  0.50967    
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS:treatmentuncaged -0.013677   0.012604  -1.085  0.27787    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##                exp:TS exp:PS expyrs:trtmntp expyrs:trtmntn ex:TS:PS ex:TS: ex:PS:
## expyrs:PrcS    -0.373                                                            
## expyrs:trtmntp -0.398  0.111                                                     
## expyrs:trtmntn -0.402  0.110  0.992                                              
## expyr:TS:PS     0.091 -0.613 -0.276         -0.277                               
## expyrs:TmS:    -0.061 -0.010 -0.027          0.044         -0.036                
## expyrs:PrS:    -0.025 -0.048 -0.014          0.008         -0.057    0.231       
## expy:TS:PS:    -0.036 -0.028 -0.013          0.008         -0.083    0.415  0.717
### Relative effects for comparison between treatments
### Treatment effect when temperature is 15 ° Celsius and 
### when precipitation is 13 dm/a
g <- glht(m_d_uo, linfct = c("expoyrs:treatmentuncaged - expoyrs:treatmentopen = 0"))
##   Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
## Fit: glmer(formula = I(drymass_end + 0.01) ~ 0 + expoyrs:(TempS * 
##     PrecS) + (0 + expoyrs | PlotID) + expoyrs:treatment + expoyrs:treatment:(TempS * 
##     PrecS), data = d_dowel_uncaged_open, family = gaussian(link = "log"), 
##     control = glmerControl(optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e+06)), start = ss, 
##     offset = log(drymass_start))
## Linear Hypotheses:
##                                                        Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## expoyrs:treatmentuncaged - expoyrs:treatmentopen == 0 -0.008383   0.009202  -0.911    0.362
## (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
##                                                   Estimate       lwr      upr
## expoyrs:treatmentuncaged - expoyrs:treatmentopen 0.9916517 0.9739272 1.009699
## attr(,"conf.level")
## [1] 0.95
## attr(,"calpha")
## [1] 1.959964
### Compute fitted values for annual wood decomposition rates in uncaged and
### open treatment for each experimental site, seperately for natural wood
### (angiosperm and gymnosperm seperately were applicable) and dowels 
a <- subset(wm, treatment == "uncaged" & clade == "angio")
TP_a <-"rbind", tapply(1:nrow(a), a$PlotID, function(i) {
    a[i[1], c("PlotID", "Temp", "Prec")]
g <- subset(wm, clade != "angio")
TP_g <-"rbind", tapply(1:nrow(g), g$PlotID, function(i) {
    g[i[1], c("PlotID", "Temp", "Prec")]
TPS_a <-"rbind", tapply(1:nrow(a), a$PlotID, function(i) {
    a[i[1], c("PlotID", "TempS", "PrecS")]
TPS_a$expoyrs <- 1
clade <- sort(unique(wm$clade))
TPS_a$clade <- clade[1]
TPS_g <-"rbind", tapply(1:nrow(g), g$PlotID, function(i) {
    g[i[1], c("PlotID", "TempS", "PrecS")]
TPS_g$expoyrs <- 1
TPS_g$clade <- clade[2]

trt <- sort(unique(wm$treatment))
TPS_a$treatment <- trt[trt == "uncaged"]
TPS_a$rate_n_uncaged_uo <- exp(predict(m_n_uo, newdata = TPS_a))
TPS_a$treatment <- trt[trt == "open"]
TPS_a$rate_n_open_uo <- exp(predict(m_n_uo, newdata = TPS_a))
TPS_g$treatment <- trt[trt == "uncaged"]
TPS_g$rate_n_uncaged_uo <- exp(predict(m_n_uo, newdata = TPS_g))
TPS_g$treatment <- trt[trt == "open"]
TPS_g$rate_n_open_uo <- exp(predict(m_n_uo, newdata = TPS_g))

biome <-"rbind", tapply(1:nrow(wm), wm$PlotID, function(i) 
    wm[i[1], c("PlotID", "biome")]))

x_a <- merge(merge(TP_a, TPS_a, by = "PlotID"), biome, by = "PlotID")
x_g <- merge(merge(TP_g, TPS_g, by = "PlotID"), biome, by = "PlotID")

### Results for natural wood for uncaged and open treatments
ret_n_uo <- rbind(x_a, x_g)

no_dowel <- levels(wm$PlotID)[table(d_dowel_uncaged_open$PlotID) == 0]
tmp <- subset(TPS_a, !(PlotID %in% no_dowel))
tmp$rate_n_uncaged_uo <- tmp$rate_n_open_uo <- NULL

tmp$treatment <- trt[trt == "uncaged"]
tmp$rate_d_uncaged_uo <- exp(predict(m_d_uo, newdata = tmp))
tmp$treatment <- trt[trt == "open"]
tmp$rate_d_open_uo <- exp(predict(m_d_uo, newdata = tmp))

### Results for dowels for uncaged and open treatments
ret_d_uo <- merge(merge(TP_a, tmp, by = "PlotID"), biome, by = "PlotID")

Additional models presented in Table S1-1 comparing decomposition rates between open and closed treatments

### Subsetting data to focal treatments and either natural tree species or dowels
d_natural_closed_open <- subset(wm, treatment %in% c("closed", "open") & 
                                      dowel == 0)
d_dowel_closed_open <- subset(wm, treatment %in% c("closed", "open") & 
                                    dowel == 1)

### Model for natural wood: open vs. closed (for angio / gymno)
m_n_co <- glmer(I(drymass_end + .01) ~ 0 +  ### intercept zero
               expoyrs:(TempS * PrecS * clade) +    ### slopes varying in temp and prec
               (0 + expoyrs | PlotID) +    ### space-varying slopes
               expoyrs:treatment +        ### treatment + interactions
               expoyrs:treatment:(TempS * PrecS),
               data = d_natural_closed_open, 
               family = gaussian(link = "log"), 
               offset = log(drymass_start))

ss <- getME(m_n_co , c("theta","fixef"))
m_n_co <- update(m_n_co, start = ss, 
                control = glmerControl(optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e6)))
### check convergence (0 means model converged)
## [1] 0
## Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace Approximation) ['glmerMod']
##  Family: gaussian  ( log )
## Formula: I(drymass_end + 0.01) ~ 0 + expoyrs:(TempS * PrecS * clade) +  
##     (0 + expoyrs | PlotID) + expoyrs:treatment + expoyrs:treatment:(TempS *      PrecS)
##    Data: d_natural_closed_open
##  Offset: log(drymass_start)
## Control: glmerControl(optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e+06))
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##  -8863.5  -8781.9   4445.8  -8891.5     2508 
## Scaled residuals: 
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -5.7120 -0.3539  0.0625  0.4657  6.2847 
## Random effects:
##  Groups   Name    Variance Std.Dev.
##  PlotID   expoyrs 0.002807 0.05298 
##  Residual         0.001741 0.04172 
## Number of obs: 2522, groups:  PlotID, 55
## Fixed effects:
##                                    Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|z|)    
## expoyrs:TempS                     -0.078338   0.023221  -3.374 0.000742 ***
## expoyrs:PrecS                     -0.029418   0.022134  -1.329 0.183817    
## expoyrs:cladeangio                -0.147431   0.022041  -6.689 2.25e-11 ***
## expoyrs:cladegymno                -0.066557   0.024463  -2.721 0.006514 ** 
## expoyrs:treatmentopen             -0.006362   0.005138  -1.238 0.215625    
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS               -0.032866   0.020791  -1.581 0.113920    
## expoyrs:TempS:cladegymno           0.044702   0.009777   4.572 4.83e-06 ***
## expoyrs:PrecS:cladegymno          -0.001696   0.021595  -0.079 0.937413    
## expoyrs:TempS:treatmentopen       -0.012574   0.005333  -2.358 0.018379 *  
## expoyrs:PrecS:treatmentopen       -0.020498   0.005477  -3.742 0.000182 ***
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS:cladegymno     0.004832   0.015669   0.308 0.757773    
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS:treatmentopen -0.026013   0.005465  -4.760 1.94e-06 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##                    exp:TS exp:PS expyrs:cldn expyrs:cldg expyrs:t ex:TS:PS expyrs:TmpS:c
## expyrs:PrcS        -0.312                                                               
## expyrs:cldn        -0.182 -0.017                                                        
## expyrs:cldg        -0.149 -0.026  0.879                                                 
## expyrs:trtm        -0.028  0.010 -0.108      -0.109                                     
## expyr:TS:PS         0.002 -0.328 -0.275      -0.235       0.023                         
## expyrs:TmpS:c      -0.017  0.008  0.003       0.339      -0.013   -0.001                
## expyrs:PrcS:c       0.033 -0.051 -0.023       0.088      -0.002    0.033    0.215       
## expyrs:TmpS:t      -0.104  0.025 -0.029      -0.035       0.307   -0.017   -0.042       
## expyrs:PrcS:t       0.015 -0.096  0.010       0.012      -0.081   -0.037    0.011       
## expyrs:TmpS:PrcS:c  0.019 -0.013 -0.006       0.087       0.000   -0.007    0.372       
## expyrs:TmpS:PrcS:t -0.018 -0.026  0.023       0.024      -0.158   -0.111   -0.006       
##                    expyrs:PrcS:c expyrs:TmpS:t expyrs:PrcS:t expyrs:TmpS:PrcS:c
## expyrs:PrcS                                                                    
## expyrs:cldn                                                                    
## expyrs:cldg                                                                    
## expyrs:trtm                                                                    
## expyr:TS:PS                                                                    
## expyrs:TmpS:c                                                                  
## expyrs:PrcS:c                                                                  
## expyrs:TmpS:t      -0.004                                                      
## expyrs:PrcS:t       0.001        -0.143                                        
## expyrs:TmpS:PrcS:c  0.884        -0.016         0.007                          
## expyrs:TmpS:PrcS:t  0.012         0.117         0.415         0.004
### Transform temperature and precipitation back to degree Celsius and dm per year
Xscale <- model.matrix(m_n_co)
Xorig <- model.matrix(~ 0 +  ### intercept zero
    expoyrs:(TempC * PrecC * clade) +   ### slopes varying in temp and prec
    expoyrs:treatment +        ### treatment + interactions
    expoyrs:treatment:(TempC * PrecC), 
    data = droplevels(d_natural_closed_open))

K <- solve(crossprod(Xorig)) %*% crossprod(Xorig, Xscale)
g <- glht(m_n_co, linfct = K)

### Create main model output table (Table S1-1) for natural wood
### Model output
(tab <- summary(g, test = univariate()))
##   Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
## Fit: glmer(formula = I(drymass_end + 0.01) ~ 0 + expoyrs:(TempS * 
##     PrecS * clade) + (0 + expoyrs | PlotID) + expoyrs:treatment + 
##     expoyrs:treatment:(TempS * PrecS), data = d_natural_closed_open, 
##     family = gaussian(link = "log"), control = glmerControl(optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e+06)), 
##     start = ss, offset = log(drymass_start))
## Linear Hypotheses:
##                                          Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## expoyrs:TempC == 0                     -9.906e-03  2.936e-03  -3.374 0.000742 ***
## expoyrs:PrecC == 0                     -4.344e-03  3.268e-03  -1.329 0.183817    
## expoyrs:cladeangio == 0                -1.474e-01  2.204e-02  -6.689 2.25e-11 ***
## expoyrs:cladegymno == 0                -6.656e-02  2.446e-02  -2.721 0.006514 ** 
## expoyrs:treatmentopen == 0             -6.362e-03  5.138e-03  -1.238 0.215625    
## expoyrs:TempC:PrecC == 0               -6.136e-04  3.882e-04  -1.581 0.113920    
## expoyrs:TempC:cladegymno == 0           5.653e-03  1.236e-03   4.572 4.83e-06 ***
## expoyrs:PrecC:cladegymno == 0          -2.504e-04  3.189e-03  -0.079 0.937413    
## expoyrs:TempC:treatmentopen == 0       -1.590e-03  6.743e-04  -2.358 0.018379 *  
## expoyrs:PrecC:treatmentopen == 0       -3.027e-03  8.088e-04  -3.742 0.000182 ***
## expoyrs:TempC:PrecC:cladegymno == 0     9.022e-05  2.925e-04   0.308 0.757773    
## expoyrs:TempC:PrecC:treatmentopen == 0 -4.857e-04  1.020e-04  -4.760 1.94e-06 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Univariate p values reported)

Relative effects and confidence intervals

### confidence intervals
ci <- confint(g, calpha = univariate_calpha())$confint
### relative effects
##                                    Estimate       lwr       upr
## expoyrs:TempC                     0.9901429 0.9844608 0.9958578
## expoyrs:PrecC                     0.9956658 0.9893087 1.0020639
## expoyrs:cladeangio                0.8629217 0.8264371 0.9010169
## expoyrs:cladegymno                0.9356092 0.8918077 0.9815620
## expoyrs:treatmentopen             0.9936577 0.9837009 1.0037153
## expoyrs:TempC:PrecC               0.9993865 0.9986265 1.0001472
## expoyrs:TempC:cladegymno          1.0056686 1.0032347 1.0081084
## expoyrs:PrecC:cladegymno          0.9997497 0.9935212 1.0060172
## expoyrs:TempC:treatmentopen       0.9984113 0.9970927 0.9997317
## expoyrs:PrecC:treatmentopen       0.9969780 0.9953989 0.9985596
## expoyrs:TempC:PrecC:cladegymno    1.0000902 0.9995170 1.0006638
## expoyrs:TempC:PrecC:treatmentopen 0.9995144 0.9993145 0.9997144
## attr(,"conf.level")
## [1] 0.95
## attr(,"calpha")
## [1] 1.959964
### Model for dowels: open vs. closed (for angio / gymno)
m_d_co <- glmer(I(drymass_end + .01) ~ 0 +  ### intercept zero
               expoyrs:(TempS * PrecS) +    ### slopes varying in temp and prec
               (0 + expoyrs | PlotID) +    ### space-varying slopes
               expoyrs:treatment +        ### treatment + interactions
               expoyrs:treatment:(TempS * PrecS),
               data = d_dowel_closed_open, 
               family = gaussian(link = "log"), 
               offset = log(drymass_start))

ss <- getME(m_d_co, c("theta","fixef"))
m_d_co <- update(m_d_co, start = ss, 
                control = glmerControl(optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e6)))
### check convergence (0 means model converged)
## [1] 0
## Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace Approximation) ['glmerMod']
##  Family: gaussian  ( log )
## Formula: I(drymass_end + 0.01) ~ 0 + expoyrs:(TempS * PrecS) + (0 + expoyrs |  
##     PlotID) + expoyrs:treatment + expoyrs:treatment:(TempS *      PrecS)
##    Data: d_dowel_closed_open
##  Offset: log(drymass_start)
## Control: glmerControl(optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e+06))
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##  -1474.3  -1434.1    747.1  -1494.3      401 
## Scaled residuals: 
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -4.3975 -0.2563  0.0623  0.3764  3.7149 
## Random effects:
##  Groups   Name    Variance Std.Dev.
##  PlotID   expoyrs 0.010172 0.10086 
##  Residual         0.001526 0.03906 
## Number of obs: 411, groups:  PlotID, 55
## Fixed effects:
##                                   Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|z|)    
## expoyrs:TempS                     -0.19370    0.04239  -4.570 4.88e-06 ***
## expoyrs:PrecS                     -0.02235    0.03816  -0.586 0.558025    
## expoyrs:treatmentclosed           -0.13694    0.03811  -3.594 0.000326 ***
## expoyrs:treatmentopen             -0.17653    0.03746  -4.713 2.44e-06 ***
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS               -0.10548    0.03648  -2.891 0.003838 ** 
## expoyrs:TempS:treatmentopen       -0.03817    0.01312  -2.910 0.003617 ** 
## expoyrs:PrecS:treatmentopen       -0.01947    0.01368  -1.423 0.154849    
## expoyrs:TempS:PrecS:treatmentopen -0.02456    0.01559  -1.575 0.115202    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##                exp:TS exp:PS expyrs:trtmntc expyrs:trtmntp ex:TS:PS ex:TS: ex:PS:
## expyrs:PrcS    -0.375                                                            
## expyrs:trtmntc -0.197  0.006                                                     
## expyrs:trtmntp -0.240  0.011  0.954                                              
## expyr:TS:PS     0.143 -0.355 -0.282         -0.290                               
## expyrs:TmS:    -0.241  0.015 -0.103          0.038         -0.070                
## expyrs:PrS:    -0.020 -0.200  0.002          0.033         -0.179    0.109       
## expy:TS:PS:    -0.054 -0.108  0.006          0.026         -0.287    0.284  0.630
### Relative effects for comparison between treatments
### Treatment effect when temperature is 15 ° Celsius and 
### when precipitation is 13 dm/a
g <- glht(m_d_co, linfct = c("expoyrs:treatmentopen - expoyrs:treatmentclosed = 0"))
##   Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
## Fit: glmer(formula = I(drymass_end + 0.01) ~ 0 + expoyrs:(TempS * 
##     PrecS) + (0 + expoyrs | PlotID) + expoyrs:treatment + expoyrs:treatment:(TempS * 
##     PrecS), data = d_dowel_closed_open, family = gaussian(link = "log"), 
##     control = glmerControl(optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e+06)), start = ss, 
##     offset = log(drymass_start))
## Linear Hypotheses:
##                                                      Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## expoyrs:treatmentopen - expoyrs:treatmentclosed == 0 -0.03959    0.01146  -3.454 0.000553 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
##                                                  Estimate      lwr       upr
## expoyrs:treatmentopen - expoyrs:treatmentclosed 0.9611803 0.939825 0.9830209
## attr(,"conf.level")
## [1] 0.95
## attr(,"calpha")
## [1] 1.959964
### Compute fitted values for annual wood decomposition rates in open and
### closed treatment for each experimental site, seperately for natural wood
### (angiosperm and gymnosperm seperately were applicable) and dowels 
a <- subset(wm, treatment == "closed" & clade == "angio")
TP_a <-"rbind", tapply(1:nrow(a), a$PlotID, function(i) {
    a[i[1], c("PlotID", "Temp", "Prec")]
g <- subset(wm, clade != "angio")
TP_g <-"rbind", tapply(1:nrow(g), g$PlotID, function(i) {
    g[i[1], c("PlotID", "Temp", "Prec")]
TPS_a <-"rbind", tapply(1:nrow(a), a$PlotID, function(i) {
    a[i[1], c("PlotID", "TempS", "PrecS")]
TPS_a$expoyrs <- 1
clade <- sort(unique(wm$clade))
TPS_a$clade <- clade[1]
TPS_g <-"rbind", tapply(1:nrow(g), g$PlotID, function(i) {
    g[i[1], c("PlotID", "TempS", "PrecS")]
TPS_g$expoyrs <- 1
TPS_g$clade <- clade[2]

trt <- sort(unique(wm$treatment))
TPS_a$treatment <- trt[trt == "closed"]
TPS_a$rate_n_closed_co <- exp(predict(m_n_co, newdata = TPS_a))
TPS_a$treatment <- trt[trt == "open"]
TPS_a$rate_n_open_co <- exp(predict(m_n_co, newdata = TPS_a))
TPS_g$treatment <- trt[trt == "closed"]
TPS_g$rate_n_closed_co <- exp(predict(m_n_co, newdata = TPS_g))
TPS_g$treatment <- trt[trt == "open"]
TPS_g$rate_n_open_co <- exp(predict(m_n_co, newdata = TPS_g))

biome <-"rbind", tapply(1:nrow(wm), wm$PlotID, function(i) 
    wm[i[1], c("PlotID", "biome")]))

x_a <- merge(merge(TP_a, TPS_a, by = "PlotID"), biome, by = "PlotID")
x_g <- merge(merge(TP_g, TPS_g, by = "PlotID"), biome, by = "PlotID")

### Results for natural wood for closed and open treatments
ret_n_co <- rbind(x_a, x_g)

no_dowel <- levels(wm$PlotID)[table(d_dowel_closed_open$PlotID) == 0]
tmp <- subset(TPS_a, !(PlotID %in% no_dowel))
tmp$rate_n_closed_co <- tmp$rate_n_open_co <- NULL

tmp$treatment <- trt[trt == "closed"]
tmp$rate_d_closed_co <- exp(predict(m_d_co, newdata = tmp))
tmp$treatment <- trt[trt == "open"]
tmp$rate_d_open_co <- exp(predict(m_d_co, newdata = tmp))

### Results for dowels for closed and open treatments
ret_d_co <- merge(merge(TP_a, tmp, by = "PlotID"), biome, by = "PlotID")

Merge fitted values from different models to results data set and save for further analyses

ret_n <- merge(ret_n, ret_n_uo[, c("PlotID", "clade", 
                          "rate_n_uncaged_uo", "rate_n_open_uo")], 
      by = c("PlotID", "clade"))
ret_n <- merge(ret_n, ret_n_co[, c("PlotID", "clade", 
                          "rate_n_closed_co", "rate_n_open_co")], 
      by = c("PlotID", "clade"))

ret_d <- merge(ret_d, ret_d_uo[, c("PlotID", 
                          "rate_d_uncaged_uo", "rate_d_open_uo")], 
      by = "PlotID")
ret_d <- merge(ret_d, ret_d_co[, c("PlotID", 
                          "rate_d_closed_co", "rate_d_open_co")], 
      by = "PlotID")

save(ret_n, file="data/ret_natural.rda")
save(ret_d, file="data/ret_dowel.rda")

### Output data include annual decomposition rates for natural wood (ret_n) and dowels (ret_d):

#"rate_n_uncaged" = "rate_n_uncagedEstimate": decomposition rate for natural
# wood for uncaged treatment from model uncaged vs. closed 
#"rate_n_uncagedlwr": lower confidence level of decomposition rate for
# natural wood for uncaged treatment from model uncaged vs. closed 
#"rate_n_uncagedupr": upper confidence level of decomposition rate for
# natural wood for uncaged treatment from model uncaged vs. closed 
#"rate_n_closed" = "rate_n_closedEstimate": decomposition rate for natural
# wood for closed treatment from model uncaged vs. closed 
#"rate_n_closedlwr": lower confidence level of decomposition rate for
# natural wood for closed treatment from model uncaged vs. closed 
#"rate_n_closedupr": upper confidence level of decomposition rate for
# natural wood for closed treatment from model uncaged vs. closed 
#"rate_n_uncaged_uo": decomposition rate for natural wood for uncaged
# treatment from model uncaged vs. open 
#"rate_n_open_uo": decomposition rate for natural wood for open treatment
# from model uncaged vs. open 
#"rate_n_closed_co": decomposition rate for natural wood for closed
# treatment from model closed vs. open 
#"rate_n_open_co": decomposition rate for natural wood for open treatment
# from model closed vs. open
#"rate_d_uncaged": decomposition rate for dowels for uncaged treatment from
# model uncaged vs. closed 
#"rate_d_closed": decomposition rate for dowels for closed treatment from
# model uncaged vs. closed 
#"rate_d_uncaged_uo": decomposition rate for dowels for uncaged treatment
# from model uncaged vs. open 
#"rate_d_open_uo": decomposition rate for dowels for open treatment from
# model uncaged vs. open 
#"rate_d_closed_co": decomposition rate for dowels for closed treatment from
# model closed vs. open 
#"rate_d_open_co": decomposition rate for dowels for open treatment from
# model closed vs. open 

Reproduce Figure 1 b and c: Boxplot showing annual decomposition of all decomposers and insect contribution as boxplot for different biomes

x <- ret_n
x$trt <- with(x, rate_n_closed - rate_n_uncaged)

### Median of annual woo decomposition rates per biome 
##      Boreal   Temperate    Tropical 
## -0.08758852  0.87671480  3.91539712
tapply(((1 - x$rate_n_uncaged) * 100),x$biome,median)
##    Boreal Temperate  Tropical 
##  3.341168  6.345905 28.200202
### Set graphic parameters
cexlab <- 0.58 # 7 pt
cexax <- 0.58 # 7 pt
cexnum <- 0.67 # 8pt
axline <- 1.5
tlength <- -0.2 # ticklength
posx <- 1.4
posx2 <- 1.9
posy <- 0.7

if (TIFF)
  tiff(file = "products/Figure1.tif",width = 4.7, height = 2.5,res=300,units="in")

par(mai=c(0.3,0.45,0.3,0.0), mgp=c(1.5,0.4,0))

### Fig. 1 panel b: annual wood decomposition rate with all decomposers involved (uncaged treatment)
boxplot(I((1 - rate_n_uncaged) * 100) ~ biome, data = x, axes=FALSE, ylab="", xlab="",ylim=c(-5,55))
axis(1,c(1, 2, 3),c("Boreal", "Temperate", "Tropical"),tick=TRUE,cex.axis=cexlab,tcl=tlength)
mtext("Annual mass loss [%]",2,cex=cexnum, line=axline)
mtext("b All decomposers",3,cex=cexnum, line=posy,at=posx)
grid(nx = 1, ny = NULL, col = "lightgray", lty=1 ,equilogs = TRUE)
boxplot(I((1 - rate_n_uncaged) * 100) ~ biome, data = x,axes=FALSE, add=TRUE, col="#F5F5F5")

### Fig. 1 panel c: contribution of insects to annual wood decomposition rate 
### (closed minus uncaged treatment) 
boxplot(I((x$trt) * 100) ~ biome, data = x, ylab = "",axes=FALSE,  xlab="",ylim=c(-5,55), fill="white")
axis(1,c(1, 2, 3),c("Boreal", "Temperate", "Tropical"),tick=TRUE,cex.axis=cexlab,tcl=tlength)
mtext("c Net insect effect",3,cex=cexnum, line=posy,at=posx2)
grid(nx = 1, ny = NULL, col = "lightgray", lty=1 ,equilogs = TRUE)
boxplot(I((x$trt) * 100) ~ biome, data = x,axes=FALSE, add=TRUE, col="#D8B365")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-29

if (TIFF)

Reproduce Figure 2: Annual decomposition rates per site relative to temperature and precipitation

### Set graphic parameters
cexlab <- 7
cextitle <- 8
ptsize <- 3

### Fig. 2 panel a: annual wood decomposition rate with all decomposers involved 
### (uncaged treatment)
x <- ret_n
breaks <- floor(min(1 - x$rate_n_uncaged) * 10):ceiling(max(1 - x$rate_n_uncaged) * 10) / 10
x$ct <- cut(1 - x$rate_n_uncaged, breaks = breaks)
levels(x$ct) <- paste((breaks[-length(breaks)] * 100), "% -", (breaks[-1] * 100), "%")
col <- diverging_hcl(nlevels(x$ct), c = 100, l = c(50, 90))

p1 <- ggplot(x,aes(y = Temp, x = Prec, colour = ct)) + geom_point(size=ptsize) +
             scale_color_manual(values = col)+
    facet_grid(~ clade,labeller = labeller(clade=c(`angio`="Angiosperm", `gymno`="Gymnosperm")))+
    theme_bw()+ guides(color=guide_legend(title="Annual mass loss"))+
    theme(panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black"), panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), axis.line = element_blank() ,
    title =element_text(size=cextitle, face="plain"),plot.title = element_text(hjust=-0.2,face="plain"),
    axis.text=element_text(size=cexlab), axis.title=element_text(size=cexlab,face="plain"),
    legend.text = element_text(size=cexlab),
    strip.text.x = element_text(size = cexlab))+
    ggtitle("b All decomposers")+xlab("Precipitation [dm / a]")+ylab("Temperature [°C]")

### Fig. 2 panel b: contribution of insects to annual wood decomposition rate (closed minus uncaged treatment) 
x <- ret_n
x$trt <- with(x, rate_n_closed - rate_n_uncaged)
breaks <- floor(min(x$trt) * 20):ceiling(max(x$trt) * 20) / 20
x$ct2 <- cut(x$trt, breaks = breaks)
levels(x$ct2) <- paste((breaks[-length(breaks)] * 100), "% -", (breaks[-1] * 100), "%")
col2 <- diverging_hcl(nlevels(x$ct), c = 100, l = c(50, 90))

p2 <- ggplot(x,aes(y = Temp, x = Prec, colour = ct2)) + geom_point(size=ptsize,aes(shape=termite)) +
    scale_color_manual(values = col2)+
    facet_grid(~ clade,labeller = labeller(clade=c(`angio`="Angiosperm", `gymno`="Gymnosperm")))+
    scale_shape_discrete(name="Termites",breaks=c( "17","16", "18"),labels=c( "Yes", "No","Maybe"))+
    guides(color=guide_legend(title="Annual mass loss"))+
    theme(panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black"), panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), axis.line = element_blank() ,
    title =element_text(size=cextitle, face='plain'),plot.title = element_text(hjust=-0.2),
    axis.text=element_text(size=cexlab), axis.title=element_text(size=cexlab,face="plain"),
    legend.text = element_text(size=cexlab),
    strip.text.x = element_text(size = cexlab),
    legend.spacing.y = unit(0.001, 'cm'))+
    ggtitle("c Net insect effect")+xlab("Precipitation [dm / a]")+ylab("Temperature [°C]")

if (TIFF)
  tiff(file = "products/Figure2.tif",width = 4.7, height = 5,res=300,units="in")

plot(ggarrange(p1,p2 , ncol = 1, nrow = 2))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-31

if (TIFF)

Reproduce Extended Data Figure 3: Pairwise comparison of decomposition rates among all three treatments

x <- ret_n
x$trt <- with(x, rate_n_closed - rate_n_uncaged)
x$Biome <- ordered(as.character(x$biome),
                   levels = rev(levels(x$biome)),
                   labels = rev(levels(x$biome)))

p1 <- ggplot(x,aes(y = (1-rate_n_closed)*100, 
                   x = (1-rate_n_uncaged)*100, colour = Biome)) + 
             geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, color = "grey", lty = 2)+ geom_point(size=3)+
    xlim(-20, 60) +ylim(-20, 60)+
    xlab("Annual mass loss [%] - uncaged")+ylab("Annual mass loss [%] - closed cage")+

p2 <- ggplot(x,aes(y = (1-rate_n_open_uo)*100, 
             x = (1-rate_n_uncaged_uo)*100, colour = Biome)) + 
             geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, color = "grey", lty = 2)+ geom_point(size=3)+
        xlim(-20, 60) +ylim(-20, 60)+
    xlab("Annual mass loss [%] - uncaged")+ylab("Annual mass loss [%] - open cage")+

p3 <- ggplot(x,aes(y = (1-rate_n_closed)*100 , 
             x = (1-rate_n_open_uo)*100 , colour = Biome)) + 
             geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, color = "grey", lty = 2)+ geom_point(size=3)+
        xlim(-20, 60) +ylim(-20, 60)+
    xlab("Annual mass loss [%] - open cage")+ylab("Annual mass loss [%] - closed cage")+
    theme(legend.position = c(1.4, .7))

if (TIFF)
  tiff(filename = "products/ExtendedDataFigure3.tif",width = 160, height = 180,units = "mm", res = 300,compression = "lzw")

plot(p1+ p2 +p3+ plot_layout(nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-32

if (TIFF)

Model presented in Supplementary Table S1-1 comparing decomposition rates of natural wood among all three treatments (open, closed, uncaged)

### Subset to natural wood only
d_natural <- subset(wm, dowel == 0)

m_n_all <- glmer(I(drymass_end + .01) ~ 0 +  ### intercept zero
               expoyrs:(TempS * PrecS * clade) +    ### slopes varying in temp and prec
               (0 + expoyrs | PlotID) +    ### space-varying slopes
               expoyrs:treatment +        ### treatment + interactions
               expoyrs:treatment:(TempS * PrecS),
               data = d_natural, 
               family = gaussian(link = "log"), 
               offset = log(drymass_start))

### increase iterations => model converges
ss <- getME(m_n_all, c("theta","fixef"))
m_n_all <- update(m_n_all, start = ss, 
                  control = glmerControl(optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e6)))
### check convergence (0 means model converged)
## [1] 0
### Transform temperature and precipitation back to degree Celsius and dm per year
Xscale <- model.matrix(m_n_all)
Xorig <- model.matrix(~ 0 +  ### intercept zero
    expoyrs:(TempC * PrecC * clade) +   ### slopes varying in temp and prec
    expoyrs:treatment +        ### treatment + interactions
    expoyrs:treatment:(TempC * PrecC), 
    data = droplevels(d_natural))

K <- solve(crossprod(Xorig)) %*% crossprod(Xorig, Xscale)
g <- glht(m_n_all, linfct = K)

### Create main model output table (Table S1-1) for natural wood
### Model output
(tab <- summary(g, test = univariate()))
##   Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
## Fit: glmer(formula = I(drymass_end + 0.01) ~ 0 + expoyrs:(TempS * 
##     PrecS * clade) + (0 + expoyrs | PlotID) + expoyrs:treatment + 
##     expoyrs:treatment:(TempS * PrecS), data = d_natural, family = gaussian(link = "log"), 
##     control = glmerControl(optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e+06)), start = ss, 
##     offset = log(drymass_start))
## Linear Hypotheses:
##                                             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## expoyrs:TempC == 0                        -1.133e-02  3.018e-03  -3.755 0.000173 ***
## expoyrs:PrecC == 0                        -2.981e-03  3.319e-03  -0.898 0.369092    
## expoyrs:cladeangio == 0                   -1.533e-01  2.262e-02  -6.775 1.24e-11 ***
## expoyrs:cladegymno == 0                   -8.402e-02  2.421e-02  -3.470 0.000520 ***
## expoyrs:treatmentopen == 0                -7.224e-03  5.573e-03  -1.296 0.194935    
## expoyrs:treatmentuncaged == 0             -2.952e-02  5.584e-03  -5.285 1.25e-07 ***
## expoyrs:TempC:PrecC == 0                  -5.403e-04  4.000e-04  -1.351 0.176742    
## expoyrs:TempC:cladegymno == 0              5.177e-03  1.014e-03   5.108 3.26e-07 ***
## expoyrs:PrecC:cladegymno == 0             -8.984e-04  2.812e-03  -0.320 0.749329    
## expoyrs:TempC:treatmentopen == 0          -1.965e-03  7.453e-04  -2.636 0.008380 ** 
## expoyrs:TempC:treatmentuncaged == 0       -4.271e-03  7.286e-04  -5.862 4.56e-09 ***
## expoyrs:PrecC:treatmentopen == 0          -3.190e-03  9.047e-04  -3.526 0.000421 ***
## expoyrs:PrecC:treatmentuncaged == 0       -5.162e-03  9.022e-04  -5.722 1.06e-08 ***
## expoyrs:TempC:PrecC:cladegymno == 0        1.719e-05  2.570e-04   0.067 0.946692    
## expoyrs:TempC:PrecC:treatmentopen == 0    -4.575e-04  1.133e-04  -4.040 5.35e-05 ***
## expoyrs:TempC:PrecC:treatmentuncaged == 0 -7.255e-04  1.106e-04  -6.561 5.35e-11 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Univariate p values reported)

Relative effects and confidence intervals

### confidence intervals
ci <- confint(g, calpha = univariate_calpha())$confint
### relative effects
##                                       Estimate       lwr       upr
## expoyrs:TempC                        0.9887323 0.9829014 0.9945977
## expoyrs:PrecC                        0.9970235 0.9905591 1.0035301
## expoyrs:cladeangio                   0.8579151 0.8207133 0.8968031
## expoyrs:cladegymno                   0.9194128 0.8768014 0.9640951
## expoyrs:treatmentopen                0.9928023 0.9820164 1.0037067
## expoyrs:treatmentuncaged             0.9709154 0.9603465 0.9816006
## expoyrs:TempC:PrecC                  0.9994598 0.9986766 1.0002437
## expoyrs:TempC:cladegymno             1.0051909 1.0031960 1.0071899
## expoyrs:PrecC:cladegymno             0.9991020 0.9936112 1.0046231
## expoyrs:TempC:treatmentopen          0.9980369 0.9965800 0.9994960
## expoyrs:TempC:treatmentuncaged       0.9957378 0.9943169 0.9971608
## expoyrs:PrecC:treatmentopen          0.9968148 0.9950489 0.9985839
## expoyrs:PrecC:treatmentuncaged       0.9948510 0.9930933 0.9966118
## expoyrs:TempC:PrecC:cladegymno       1.0000172 0.9995135 1.0005211
## expoyrs:TempC:PrecC:treatmentopen    0.9995426 0.9993208 0.9997645
## expoyrs:TempC:PrecC:treatmentuncaged 0.9992748 0.9990582 0.9994914
## attr(,"conf.level")
## [1] 0.95
## attr(,"calpha")
## [1] 1.959964
### all-pair comparison of main effects only<-glht(m_n_all, linfct = c("expoyrs:treatmentopen = 0", 
                                       "expoyrs:treatmentuncaged = 0", 
                                       "expoyrs:treatmentuncaged - expoyrs:treatmentopen = 0"))
##   Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
## Fit: glmer(formula = I(drymass_end + 0.01) ~ 0 + expoyrs:(TempS * 
##     PrecS * clade) + (0 + expoyrs | PlotID) + expoyrs:treatment + 
##     expoyrs:treatment:(TempS * PrecS), data = d_natural, family = gaussian(link = "log"), 
##     control = glmerControl(optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e+06)), start = ss, 
##     offset = log(drymass_start))
## Linear Hypotheses:
##                                                        Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## expoyrs:treatmentopen == 0                            -0.007224   0.005573  -1.296 0.397313    
## expoyrs:treatmentuncaged == 0                         -0.029516   0.005584  -5.285  < 1e-04 ***
## expoyrs:treatmentuncaged - expoyrs:treatmentopen == 0 -0.022292   0.005505  -4.050 0.000154 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)

Reproduce Extended Data Figure 2 panel a: differences in decomposition rate between all three treatments

m_n_all.post_ci <- data.frame(confint($confint)

p1 <- ggplot(m_n_all.post_ci, aes(x = Estimate, y = c(1,2,3), xmin = lwr, xmax = upr)) +
        geom_point(col="black",size=3) +  geom_errorbarh(height=.2)+
        geom_vline(xintercept=0, linetype="dashed", color = "black")+
        xlab("Linear function")+ylab("")+
        ggtitle("a Difference in decomposition rates between treatments")+
        scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(1,2,3),labels=c("open vs. closed","uncaged vs. closed","uncaged vs. open"))+
        theme(title =element_text(size=cextitle, face='plain'),plot.title = element_text(hjust=0),
            axis.text=element_text(size=cexlab, color="black"), axis.title=element_text(size=cexlab,face="plain"),
            panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black", fill=NA))

Reproduce Extended Data Figure 2 panel b: Differences in insect colonization (0 = no insect marks, 1 = insect marks) between all three treatments

natural <- subset(wm, wm$dowel == 0)

### Model for pairwise comparisons of insect colonization of natural wood
### between all three treatments (open, closed, uncaged)
mod_marks <- glmer(marks_total ~ 
               expoyrs + (TempS * PrecS * clade) +   
               treatment * TempS * PrecS + (1| PlotID) ,
               data = natural, family = "binomial")

ss <- getME(mod_marks, c("theta","fixef"))
mod_marks <- update(mod_marks, start = ss, 
                    control = glmerControl(optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e6)))
### check convergence (0 means model converged)
## [1] 0
## Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace Approximation) ['glmerMod']
##  Family: binomial  ( logit )
## Formula: marks_total ~ expoyrs + (TempS * PrecS * clade) + treatment *  
##     TempS * PrecS + (1 | PlotID)
##    Data: natural
## Control: glmerControl(optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e+06))
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##   2753.2   2863.7  -1358.6   2717.2     3412 
## Scaled residuals: 
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -5.1363 -0.4448 -0.1361  0.4286 12.1063 
## Random effects:
##  Groups Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  PlotID (Intercept) 4.678    2.163   
## Number of obs: 3430, groups:  PlotID, 54
## Fixed effects:
##                               Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)                  -3.485082   0.367628  -9.480  < 2e-16 ***
## expoyrs                       0.399333   0.076595   5.214 1.85e-07 ***
## TempS                         1.597340   0.348358   4.585 4.53e-06 ***
## PrecS                         0.776354   0.334827   2.319 0.020413 *  
## cladegymno                    0.811922   0.206570   3.930 8.48e-05 ***
## treatmentopen                 1.417549   0.132816  10.673  < 2e-16 ***
## treatmentuncaged              1.790294   0.135439  13.218  < 2e-16 ***
## TempS:PrecS                   0.161073   0.339403   0.475 0.635088    
## TempS:cladegymno             -1.107885   0.207705  -5.334 9.61e-08 ***
## PrecS:cladegymno             -0.047207   0.399132  -0.118 0.905850    
## TempS:treatmentopen           0.011093   0.127430   0.087 0.930628    
## TempS:treatmentuncaged       -0.008045   0.127883  -0.063 0.949842    
## PrecS:treatmentopen          -0.457531   0.130009  -3.519 0.000433 ***
## PrecS:treatmentuncaged       -0.524621   0.132689  -3.954 7.69e-05 ***
## TempS:PrecS:cladegymno        0.463649   0.367824   1.261 0.207482    
## TempS:PrecS:treatmentopen    -0.099888   0.142467  -0.701 0.483222    
## TempS:PrecS:treatmentuncaged -0.066305   0.142262  -0.466 0.641162    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Correlation matrix not shown by default, as p = 17 > 12.
## Use print(x, correlation=TRUE)  or
##     vcov(x)        if you need it

Transform temperature and precipitation back to degree Celsius and dm per year.

TempC is temperature in °C - 15 and PrecC is precipitation in dm / a - 13.

Effects of TempC can be interpreted as effect of increasing temperature by 1 °C when precipitation is 13 dm/a.

Effects of PreC can be interpreted as effect an additional dm / a when temperature is 15 °C.

Xscale <- model.matrix(mod_marks)
Xorig <- model.matrix(~ expoyrs + (TempC * PrecC * clade) +   
                        treatment * TempC * PrecC, 
                      data = droplevels(natural)[!$marks_total),])
K <- solve(crossprod(Xorig)) %*% crossprod(Xorig, Xscale)
g <- glht(mod_marks, linfct = K)
(tab <- summary(g, test = univariate()))
##   Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
## Fit: glmer(formula = marks_total ~ expoyrs + (TempS * PrecS * clade) + 
##     treatment * TempS * PrecS + (1 | PlotID), data = natural, 
##     family = "binomial", control = glmerControl(optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e+06)), 
##     start = ss)
## Linear Hypotheses:
##                                    Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept) == 0                  -3.485082   0.367628  -9.480  < 2e-16 ***
## expoyrs == 0                       0.399333   0.076595   5.214 1.85e-07 ***
## TempC == 0                         0.201986   0.044050   4.585 4.53e-06 ***
## PrecC == 0                         0.114630   0.049438   2.319 0.020413 *  
## cladegymno == 0                    0.811922   0.206570   3.930 8.48e-05 ***
## treatmentopen == 0                 1.417549   0.132816  10.673  < 2e-16 ***
## treatmentuncaged == 0              1.790294   0.135439  13.218  < 2e-16 ***
## TempC:PrecC == 0                   0.003007   0.006337   0.475 0.635088    
## TempC:cladegymno == 0             -0.140094   0.026265  -5.334 9.61e-08 ***
## PrecC:cladegymno == 0             -0.006970   0.058933  -0.118 0.905850    
## TempC:treatmentopen == 0           0.001403   0.016114   0.087 0.930628    
## TempC:treatmentuncaged == 0       -0.001017   0.016171  -0.063 0.949842    
## PrecC:treatmentopen == 0          -0.067555   0.019196  -3.519 0.000433 ***
## PrecC:treatmentuncaged == 0       -0.077461   0.019592  -3.954 7.69e-05 ***
## TempC:PrecC:cladegymno == 0        0.008657   0.006868   1.261 0.207482    
## TempC:PrecC:treatmentopen == 0    -0.001865   0.002660  -0.701 0.483222    
## TempC:PrecC:treatmentuncaged == 0 -0.001238   0.002656  -0.466 0.641162    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Univariate p values reported)

Post-hoc comparisons<-glht(mod_marks, mcp(treatment = "Tukey"))
## Warning in mcp2matrix(model, linfct = linfct): covariate interactions found -- default contrast
## might be inappropriate
##   Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
## Multiple Comparisons of Means: Tukey Contrasts
## Fit: glmer(formula = marks_total ~ expoyrs + (TempS * PrecS * clade) + 
##     treatment * TempS * PrecS + (1 | PlotID), data = natural, 
##     family = "binomial", control = glmerControl(optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e+06)), 
##     start = ss)
## Linear Hypotheses:
##                       Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## open - closed == 0      1.4175     0.1328  10.673  < 0.001 ***
## uncaged - closed == 0   1.7903     0.1354  13.218  < 0.001 ***
## uncaged - open == 0     0.3727     0.1208   3.085  0.00572 ** 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method) <- data.frame(confint($confint)

p2 <- ggplot(, aes(x = -Estimate, y = c(1,2,3), xmin = -lwr, xmax = -upr)) +
        geom_point(col="black",size=3) +  geom_errorbarh(height=.2)+
        geom_vline(xintercept=0, linetype="dashed", color = "black")+
        xlab("Logarithmic effect")+ylab("")+
        ggtitle("b Differences in insect colonization rates between treatments")+
        theme(title =element_text(size=cextitle, face='plain'),plot.title = element_text(hjust=0),
            axis.text=element_text(size=cexlab), axis.title=element_text(size=cexlab,face="plain"),
            panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black", fill=NA))

if (TIFF)
  tiff(filename = "products/ExtendedDataFigure2.tif",width = 9, height = 4.5,res=300,units="in",compression = "lzw")

plot(p1 + p2 +plot_layout(nrow = 1, byrow = TRUE))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-38

if (TIFF)