Each of the zip files containing tracking data from individual experiments has following sub-directories …_peak_count - count of all detected peaks in the consecutive frames of the image sequence, used to identify when the ATP arrives to the flow cells and motility of motors starts (and detachment rate increases), executed using ‘Process/Peak Finder’ option in the Single Molecule Biophysics plug-in (s_m_b.jar) in ImageJ …_results_raw - results of tracking generated with ‘Process/Fast Fitter Tracker v2’ in the Single Molecule Biophysics plug-in (s_m_b.jar) in ImageJ together with log files, the tracking was performed separately on 6 regions of interest using a ROI set available in the folder …_bck - tracked positions of beads stuck to the surface over the time of the entire image sequence that serve to create a trace for background creation …_bckEvaluation - evaluation of background traces to create an average background trace for correction …_results_corr - background-corrected results; raw tracking results processed by subtracting the averaged background trace (to be found in …_bckEvaluation) from all trajectories using the Single Molecule Biophysics plug-in option Result Table/Fit Background, and multiplying the x and y position by pixel size (1.6 um) using the option in Result Table/Table Manipulation …_results_SDy - background-corrected results, additionally filtered to remove trajectories of stuck beads (with very low standard deviation in y position) …_filtration - analysis files connected to filtering for standard deviation in y …_start_end - start and end times for stepping events selected by hand using 'Single Molecule Biophysics' plugin. The table with SDy-filtered results was open using option ‘Result Table/Open Table’, the events were displayed using ‘Analysis/Multi Plotter’ option with ‘single molecule trajectory’ option checked, the trajectories were inspected one by one, the start and end times of stepping events were marked by placing a cursor on desired spot and pressing ‘P’ key …_segments - event data obtained using 'Process/Kinesin track analyzer' option in the 'Single Molecule Biophysics' option using ImageJ …_MT - pictures of microtubules of the flow cell surface acquired using either TIRF or epifluorescent setup