microKBA_Analysis/Data │ ├───Events data of events, generated using 'Process/Kinesin track analyzer' option of 'Single Molecule Biophysics' ImageJ plug-in │ │ (s_m_b.jar available on figshare http://www.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.14071382) │ │ │ ├───Events_byRegion_All all events data, split by experiment and tracking region │ ├───Events_byRegion_Sel selected/filtered events, split by experiment and tracking region │ ├───Events_byExp_PlusMSDy event data with appended mean square displacement in y (see Force Estimation), split by experiment │ ├───Events_byExp_PlusForce event data with appended force (see Force Estimation), split by experiment │ └───Events_byExp_compiled event data with appended force (see Force Estimation), compiled into one file │ ├───PeakCount count of all detected peaks in the consecutive frames of the image sequence, │ used to identify when the ATP arrives to the flow cells and motility of motors │ starts (and detachment rate increases), │ executed using ‘Process/Peak Finder’ option in the Single Molecule Biophysics plug-in (s_m_b.jar) in ImageJ │ └───Traces each folder contains tracking results generated with ‘Process/Fast Fitter Tracker v2’ option of 'Single Molecule Biophysics' ImageJ plug-in, filtered for standard deviation in y, separated by tracking regions, as well as start/end times marking the trajectory part used for beads fluctuation analysis microKBA_Analysis/Figure Plotting │ └───Contains MatLab scripts that generate manuscript figures from /Data microKBA_Analysis/Figures │ └───Contains results of /Figure Plotting and images used for figures microKBA_Analysis/Force Estimation │ └───Contains scripts that execute force estimation for each experiment, starting with estimating mean square displacement in y microKBA_Analysis/Localisation precision │ └───Contains data and script necessary to compute localisation precision from traces of stuck beads