"ORF" "Systematic name for Open Reading Frame identified by their gene locus (Systematic name Y[A-P][RL]xxx[WC])" "NAME" "Protein name validated by SGD" "UNIPROT" "UniprotKB (Swissprot) database identifier ([PQ]xxxxx)" "HAS_PDB" "Mapped to a known protein structure from PDB" "CODE" "Protein DataBank (PDB) code with chain identifier" "PPM" "Log10 of protein Abundance in ppm" "ppm" "Raw protein abundance in ppm" "BIN" "Bin of protein abundance (5bins)" "EVO.FULL" "mean Evolutionary Rate (ER) for full SGD sequence" "EVO.DISORDER" "mean ER for residues predicted disordered by IUPred" "EVO.NOT_DISORDER" "mean ER for residues NOT predicted disordered by IUPred" "EVO.DOMAINS" "mean ER for residues assigned to domains by PFam or SUPERFAMILY" "EVO.ANTI_DOMAIN" "mean ER for residues NOT assigned to domains by PFam or SUPERFAMILY" "EVO.PDB" "mean ER for residues within PDB Strucure (with atomic coordinates only)" "EVO.SURFACE" "mean ER for surface residues (rASA>25%)" "EVO.BURIED" "mean ER for buried residues (rASA<=25%)" "HAS_BOTH" "Contains both disordered regions and structured domains" "LEN.FULL" "Length of SGD sequence" "LEN.DISORDER" "Number of predicted disordered residues" "LEN.NOT_DISORDER" "Number of NOT predicted disordered residues" "LEN.DOMAINS" "Number of residues assigned to domains" "LEN.ANTI_DOMAIN" "Number of residues NOT assigned to domains" "LEN.PDB" "Length of PDB sequence (residues withatomic coordinates only)" "LEN.SURFACE" "Number of surface residues (rASA>25%)" "LEN.BURIED" "Number of buried residues (rASA<=25%)"