"SGD.id" "Saccharomyces Genome Database identifier (S0000xxxx)" "ORF.id" "Systematic name for identifying Open Reading Frame by their gene locus (Systematic name Y[A-P][RL]xxx[WC])" "UNIPROTKB.id" "UniprotKB (Swissprot) database identifier ([PQ]xxxxx)" "code.chain.id" "Protein DataBank (PDB) code with chain identifier". "l_sgd" "Length of SGD sequence" "l_uniprot" "Length of Uniprot sequence" "l_evo" "Length of Rate4Site (R4S) sequence for evolutionary rate calculation" "l_pdb" "Length of PDB sequence for residues with atomic coordinates only" "pos_sgd" "Residue number in SGD sequence" "pos_uniprot" "Residue number in Uniprot sequence" "pos_evo" "Residue number in R4S sequence (for evolutionary rate calculation)" "pos_pdb" "Residue number in PDB sequence" "aa_evo" "Residue name in R4S sequence " "aa_pdb" "Residue name in PDB sequence" "gap_evo" "Unaligned residue in R4S sequence" "gap_pdb" "Unaligned residue in PDB sequence" "has_iup" "Contains IUPred disordered regions" "has_d2p2" "Contains consensus D2P2 disordered regions" "has_R4S" "Contains Rate4Site evolutionary rate information" "has_pdb" "Mapped to a known protein structure from PDB" "R4S_norm" "Normalized Rate4Site evolutionary rate (minimum=0 for all residues)" "R4S_res" "Raw Rate4Site evolutionary rate (mean=0 for all residues)" "R4S_min" "Minimum Rate4Site evolutionary rate within protein" "R4S_max" "Maximum Rate4Site evolutionary rate within protein" "ident.3d" "Percentage of identity of PDB sequence to Uniprot sequence" "overlap.3d" "Percentage of overlap of PDB sequence to Uniprot sequence" "resol.3d" "Resolution of PDB structure" "ncode.3d" "Number of PDB codes mapped to Uniprot Sequence" "nsub2.3d" "Number of subunit in PDB structure mapped to Uniprot Sequence" "sym.3d" "Symmetry order for the subunit in PDB structure mapped to Uniprot sequence" "QSBIO_err_prob.3d" "QSBIO error probability on the quaternary structure" "surface.3d" "Surface residue" "interface.3d" "Interface residue" "buried.3d" "Buried residue" "asa_rel_alone.3d" "relative Accessible Surface Area in monomeric form" "asa_rel_in_BU.3d" "relative Accessible Surface Area homomeric form (BU for Biological Unit)" "iup" "Predicted disordered residue by IUPRed" "noiup" "Not predicted disordered by IUPred" "d2p2" "Predicted consensus disordered residue by D2P2 (at least 7 out of 9 predictors)" "nod2p2" "Not predicted disordered residue by D2P2 (less than 3 out of 9 predictors)" "dom" "Assigned to protein domains by PFam or SUPERFAMILY" "nodom" "Not assigned to protein domains by PFam or SUPERFAMILY"