R script adjust_mating: Rscript for the adjusted random mating model random_mating: Rscript for the primary random mating model restricted_mating: Rscript for the restricted random mating model simu_plot: R script for plot the results dataset: 1.offspring_NF: observed parentage data #animal: offspring ID Haplo1/2: offspring MHC haplotype m1/2:sire MHC haplotype f1/2:dam MHC haplotype birthyear: offspring birthyear year:the year of rut grm: genomic relatedness 2.consort1 : consort dataset 3.MHC: p-distance between MHC diplotype #dist:MHC divergence 4.adult_male_NF: male mating pool #birthyear/deathyear: sire birthyear/deathyear year: years in the mating pool 5.adult_female_NF: female mating pool #birthyear/deathyear: dam birthyear/deathyear year: years in the mating pool 6.adult_male_abs: real annual breeding success of fathers in observed parentage data 7.adult_female_abs: real annual breeding success of mothers in observed parentage data #freq: annual breeding success in real data 9.nochr20:genomic relatedness