------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Title of Dataset: Human disturbance causes widespread disruption of animal movement. Principal Investigator: Dr Tim Doherty, University of Sydney, tim.doherty@sydney.edu.au Date of data collection: Database compiled in 2019-20. Geographic location of data collection: Global. -------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW -------------------- move_dist_data.csv: Dataset comprised of study details, effect sizes and predictor variables. move_dist_code.R: R code used to conduct the analyses. -------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION -------------------------- move_dist_data.csv Number of variables: 27 Number of cases/rows: 719 Variable list: 'Row_number': Numeric identifier for each record (numbers are not continuous). 'Record_number': Identifier for each study. 'Year': Year that the study was published. 'Publication_title': Name of the journal. 'Author': Author list for the study. 'Title': Title of the paper. 'Country': Country where the data was collected. 'Region': Geographic region where the data was collected. 'Latitude': Approximate central latitude of the study location (decimal degrees). 'Longitude': Approximate central longitude of study location (decimal degrees). 'Disturbance_group': High-level grouping of disturbance type (either 'Landscape' [habitat modification] or 'Humans' [human activities]). 'Disturbance_type': Type of disturbance. 'Species': Name of the study species. 'Taxonomic_group': Taxonomic group of the study species (birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, or arthropods). 'BodyMass': Body mass of study species (grams). Presented as means for birds and mammals, and maximums for other groups. Please refer to the Supplementary Materials for further explanation. 'log_BodyMass': Natural log of BodyMass. 'TrophicLevel': Trophic level of study species (1 = herbivore, 2 = omnivore, 3 = carnivore). Please refer to the Supplementary Materials for further explanation. 'Movement_metric': The measure of animal movement from the original study. 'Movement_type': Type of movement, either 'home range' or 'distance' (movement distance). 'Sub_group': Independent group within a study (e.g. sex, age class, location). 'lnRR': Log transformed response ratio. 'Percent_change': Percentage change in animal movement (back transformed from the log response ratio). 'Variance': Pooled sampling variance. 'SE': Standard error of lnRR. 'CI_lower': Lower bound of 95% confidence interval of effect size. 'CI_upper': Upper bound of 95% confidence interval of effect size. 'Notes': Explanatory notes about data extraction.