Metadata for Jianfengling (JFL) Sapling Functional Traits from 6.6 Km transect Author: J.Aaron Hogan (email: Files: CHINAROOTS_Leaf Traits.csv CHINAROOTS_Root Traits.csv soil300.csv --- Variable descriptions for CHINAROOTS_Leaf Traits.csv - scanned leaves were analyzed using WinFolia 2007b for the quantification of leaf morphological traits: Sample - the collection number along the JFL transect. Leaf - (a-c) leaf collection per sample. Family - Angiosperm plant family of the collected individual (taxonomy follows APG IV). Genus - Genus of the collected individual. Species - species of the collected individual. LeafArea(cm^2) - Area of the collected leaf in square cm. LeafPermiter(cm) - perimeter of the leaf margin in cm. LeafWidth(cm) - width at the widest point of the leaf blade. LeafHeight(cm) - length of the leaf, measured perpendicular to leaf width. LeafCircularity - the ratio of leaf area to leaf perimeter. LeafAspectRatio -Aspect ratio is the ratio of horizontal width to vertical height. LeafRoundness - the ratio of leaf blade length to leaf blade width. LeafMass(g) - weight of the oven-dried leaf mass in grams. SLA(m^2/Kg) - the ratio of the leaf area and leaf dry mass (units converted to square meters per kg). LeafThickness(mm) - leaf thickness as measured by a vernier micrometer precise to the thousandth of a mm. --- Variable descriptions for CHINAROOTS_Root Traits.csv - scanned dirt-free entire root systems (containing 3-4 root orders) were analyzed i WinRhizo 2016 Pro for the quantification of root morphological traits. 10 root size class bins were used from 0 to 5 cm (default setting). Sample - the collection number along the JFL transect. Leaf - (a-e) entire root system collection per sample. Family - Angiosperm plant family of the collected individual (taxonomy follows APG IV). Genus - Genus of the collected individual. Species - species of the collected individual. RootMass(g) - oven-dried mass of entire root system. RootLength(cm) - total linear length of root system. SpecificRootLength(cm/g) - ratio of total linear length of root system to the the root system dry mass. RootProjArea(cm^2) - total projected area of the root system. RootArea(cm^2) - total entire root system area. SpecifcRootArea(cm^2/g) - The ratio of the entire root system area to its dry mass (units converted to square meters per kg). RootAvgDiam(cm/10) - average entire root system diameter in mm. RootLenPerVol(cm/m^3) - the ratio of the entire root system length to the entire root system volume. RootVolume(cm^3) - total root system volume (estimated by WinRhizo assuming root circularity). RootTD(g/cm^3) - root tissue density: the ratio of the root system dry mass and total root system volume. NRootTips - number or terminal, first-order root tips for the root system. branchiness(tips/length) - the ratio of the number or terminal, first-order root tips to the total root system length. SRTipAbund(tips/g) - the ratio of the number or terminal, first-order root tips to roots sytem dry mass. NForks - The number of total root forks of the entire root system. NCrossings - The number of root system crossings. 0<.L.<=0.5000000 - total root system length in the 0-5 mm diameter bin. 0.5000000<.L.<=1.0000000 - total root system length in the 0-5 mm diameter bin. 0.5000000<.L.<=1.0000000 - total root system length in the 5-10 mm diameter bin. 1.0000000<.L.<=1.5000000 - total root system length in the 10-15 mm diameter bin. 1.5000000<.L.<=2.0000000 - total root system length in the 15-20 mm diameter bin. 2.0000000<.L.<=2.5000000 - total root system length in the 20-25 mm diameter bin. 2.5000000<.L.<=3.0000000 - total root system length in the 25-30 mm diameter bin. 3.0000000<.L.<=3.5000000 - total root system length in the 30-35 mm diameter bin. 3.5000000<.L.<=4.0000000 - total root system length in the 35-40 mm diameter bin. 4.0000000<.L.<=4.5000000 - total root system length in the 40-45 mm diameter bin. .L.>4.5000000 - total root system length in the > 45 mm diameter bin. 0<.SA.<=0.5000000 - total root system surface area in the 0-5 mm diameter bin. 0.5000000<.SA.<=1.0000000 - total root system surface area in the 5-10 mm diameter bin. 1.0000000<.SA.<=1.5000000 - total root system surface area in the 10-15 mm diameter bin. 1.5000000<.SA.<=2.0000000 - total root system surface area in the 15-20 mm diameter bin. 2.0000000<.SA.<=2.5000000 - total root system surface area in the 20-25 mm diameter bin. 2.5000000<.SA.<=3.0000000 - total root system surface area in the 25-30 mm diameter bin. 3.0000000<.SA.<=3.5000000 - total root system surface area in the 30-35 mm diameter bin. 3.5000000<.SA.<=4.0000000 - total root system surface area in the 35-40 mm diameter bin. 4.0000000<.SA.<=4.5000000 - total root system surface area in the 40-45 mm diameter bin. .SA.>4.5000000 - total root system surface area in the > 45 mm diameter bin. 0<.PA.<=0.5000000 - total root system projected area in the 0-5 mm diameter bin. 0.5000000<.PA.<=1.0000000 - total root system projected area in the 5-10 mm diameter bin. 1.0000000<.PA.<=1.5000000 - total root system projected area in the 10-15 mm diameter bin. 1.5000000<.PA.<=2.0000000 - total root system projected area in the 15-20 mm diameter bin. 2.0000000<.PA.<=2.5000000 - total root system projected area in the 20-25 mm diameter bin. 2.5000000<.PA.<=3.0000000 - total root system projected area in the 25-30 mm diameter bin. 3.0000000<.PA.<=3.5000000 - total root system projected area in the 30-35 mm diameter bin. 3.5000000<.PA.<=4.0000000 - total root system projected area in the 35-40 mm diameter bin. 4.0000000<.PA.<=4.5000000 - total root system projected area in the 40-45 mm diameter bin. .PA.>4.5000000 - total root system projected area in the > 45 mm diameter bin. 0<.V.<=0.5000000 - total root system volume in the 0-5 mm diameter bin. 0.5000000<.V.<=1.0000000 - total root system volume in the 5-10 mm diameter bin. 1.0000000<.V.<=1.5000000 - total root system volume in the 10-15 mm diameter bin. 1.5000000<.V.<=2.0000000 - total root system volume in the 15-20 mm diameter bin. 2.0000000<.V.<=2.5000000 - total root system volume in the 20-25 mm diameter bin. 2.5000000<.V.<=3.0000000 - total root system volume in the 25-30 mm diameter bin. 3.0000000<.V.<=3.5000000 - total root system volume in the 30-35 mm diameter bin. 3.5000000<.V.<=4.0000000 - total root system volume in the 35-40 mm diameter bin. 4.0000000<.V.<=4.5000000 - total root system volume in the 40-45 mm diameter bin. .V.>4.5000000 - total root system volume in the >45 mm diameter bin. 0<.T.<=0.5000000 - total number of root tips in the 0-5 mm diameter bin. 0.5000000<.T.<=1.0000000 - total number of root tips in the 5-10 mm diameter bin. 1.0000000<.T.<=1.5000000 - total number of root tips in the 10-15 mm diameter bin. 1.5000000<.T.<=2.0000000 - total number of root tips in the 15-20 mm diameter bin. 2.0000000<.T.<=2.5000000 - total number of root tips in the 20-25 mm diameter bin. 2.5000000<.T.<=3.0000000 - total number of root tips in the 25-30 mm diameter bin. 3.0000000<.T.<=3.5000000 - total number of root tips in the 30-35 mm diameter bin. 3.5000000<.T.<=4.0000000 - total number of root tips in the 35-40 mm diameter bin. 4.0000000<.T.<=4.5000000 - total number of root tips in the 40-45 mm diameter bin. .T.>4.5000000 - total number of root tips in the >45 mm diameter bin. --- Variable descriptions for soil300.csv - ca. 1 kg of surface/rhizophsere soil was collected during field sampling (after collection of roots). For 300 indivudals that soil was sieved and ~300 g were sent to Guangzhou Xinhua Agricultural Technical Development Limited Company for analysis (c/o Liyuan Chen). Sample - the collection number along the JFL transect. pH - water:soil = 2.5:1, glass electrode method. org.mat - organic matter (g/kg): total organic: high temperature external heat potassium dichromate oxidation - volumetric method. total.N - total Nitrogen (g/kg): Kelvin - distillation titration. total.P - toital Phosphorus (g/kg): sodium hydroxide melting - molybdenum antimony anti-colorimetric method. total.K - total Potassium in (g/kg): sodium hydroxide melting - flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. alk-hyd.N - alkali-hydrolyzable Nitrogen (mg/kg): available N measured via the alkali solution diffusion method. avail.P - available phosphorus (mg/kg): hydrochloric acid - ammonium fluoride extraction - molybdenum antimony anti - coloring method. avail.K - available potassium (cmol/kg(K+)): ammonium acetate extraction - flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. exch.Na - exchangeable soidum (cmol/kg(Na+)): ammonium acetate exchange - flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. exch.Ca - exchangeable Calcium (cmol/kg(1/2Ca2+)): ammonium acetate exchange - flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. exch.Mg - exchangeable Magnesium (cmol/kg(1/2Mg2+)): ammonium acetate exchange - flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. TEB - total exchangebale bases (cmol/kg): ammonium acetate exchange - flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry soil.TEB - soil total exchangeable bases (TEB) (cmol/kg): ammonium acetate exchange - flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry soil. BS - soil base saturation (%): the ratio of total exhangable bases (*100) and the soil total exhangable bases. texture.lg - soil particle size (2-0.05mm %). - soil particle size (0.05-0.002mm %). - soil particle size (<0.002mmm %).