---RAW DATA--- The 10 directories r1,...,r10 contain the RAW data from 10 different simulations. Inside each directory r{1,...,10}/RUN there are the RAW data in VTK format. In particular, the files: tensor_t.[TIME].vtk velocity_t.[TIME].vtk contain the nematic tensor Q_{ij} and the velocity field, respectively. [TIME] is an integer indicating the time-stamp, from 0 to 50000 in steps of 500. The RAW data can be analyzed and visualized with standard tool capable of reading VTK formats (e.g. ParaView). From the tensor Q_{ij} by using algorithms such as Jacobi rotation it is possible to obtain the nematic order parameter and director. ---EXECUTABLE--- The file lbe3d-f685ef5a is an executable compiled on Linux Ubuntu 16.04.4 using the following compilers and libraries gcc 5.4, openmpi 3.1.1 and hdf5 1.8.21