Rio Gallegos lidar profiles are provided in Matlab data files. Time of each successive profile (every 30 min) is given under the Date variable in columns with year, month, day, hours, minutes and seconds from top to bottom. Temperature (T) is given in K and altitude (Z) in km, both in columns. Vertical resolution of profiles is about 1 km. Rio Grande lidar profiles are provided as netcdf data files. Time of each successive profile (every 10 min but each one is integrated over 30 min) may be obtained in reference to the beginning of year 1970 (time_offset in seconds + time in miliseconds). Temperature (temperature) in K is given every 0.1 km from altitude 0. Vertical resolution is about 0.5 km. In our study it has been later accomodated up to 1 km resolution for better comparison with Rio Gallegos data. None of the lidar profiles should be used below 30 km altitude due to aerosol influence.