Ths repository contains raw data and computational analysis code for the manuscript: "Morphology and composition of plantar skin provide synergistic tolerance to load” by C.J. Boyle, M. Plotczyk, S.F. Villalta, S. R. Patel, S. Hettiaratchy, S.D. Masouros, M.A. Masen and C.A. Higgins Files include: Code > Computational Modelling (analysis of the finite element model results) > Histology and Morphometry (quantitative analysis of hisological images) > Mechanical testing (analysis of micro and macro scale tests) Data > Collagen Data (results from computational analysis of collagen structure > IHC (raw image data and results from Fiji quantitative analyses) > Macro Testing (raw data from macro-scale compression and shear experiments) > Micro Testing (results from JPK data processing of AFM data) > Modelling (input files for ABAQUS/Standard defining each of the finite element models + results extracted from these models) > Morphology (data defining the boundaries between each skin layer)