################ ACRIMA project ################ The images of this database come from the ACRIMA project (TIN2013-46751-R) founded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain, which aims to the development of automatic algorithms for retinal disease assessment. In this folder, the images of the ACRIMA database and the weights of fine-tuned models used in this work can be publicly accessed. Folder "Algorithm&Weights" contains a python script and weights of the best fine-tuned models for each CNN. Folder "Database" contains the images of the ACRIMA database and a brief description of the labels. Folder "bootstrapTests" contains the scripts and weights needed to obtain the bootstrapping results of all the 3 experiments. Bootstrap Tests: Because of size reasons, we had to compress the CNN weights and scripts. bootstrapTests folder is organized like this tree: -- bootstrapTests---|- bootstrap ------------------|- ModelsByFold --------------|- ModelsByFold_part1.zip |- ModelsByFold_part2.zip |- bootstrap_folds_trained.py |- bootstrap_only_drishti.py |- bootstrap_per_DB.py |- imagesInFolds_OnlyPublic |- ModelsOnlyDrishti |- ModelsPerDb_Xception |- onlyDrishti |- originalImages |- Readme.txt How to organize folder "bootstrapTests": 1. Create a new folder "bootstrapTests" 2. Unzipped the file "bootstrapTests_part1.zip" inside the folder "bootstrapTests" 3. Create a new folder "bootstrap" inside the folder "bootstrapTests" 4. Unzipped the file "bootstrapTests_part2_bootstrap.zip" inside the new folder "bootstrap" 5. Create a new folder "ModelsByFold" inside boostrap folder 6. Unzipped the files "bootstrapTests_part3_ModelsByFold_part1.zip" and "bootstrapTests_part4_ModelsByFold_part2.zip" inside the new folder "ModelsByFold" Python version: Python 3.6.1 In "requirements.txt" are presented the python packages we used to train these models.