Achilles GeCKO 2.0 release. This set includes the results of 43 cell lines screened with the genome-wide GeCKO library . Contents: Gene level data: gene_effect: Matrix of CERES inferred gene effects normalized so the median of the positive controls is -1 and the median of the negative controls is 0. essential_genes, nonessential_genes: positive and negative controls drawn from Hart et al. ( Guide level data: replicate_map: map of replicate names to the cell line they were derived from guide_activity: CERES inferred activity scores for each guide guide-QCed: ZMADed guide X replicate scores guide_locus_map: map of sgRNA to genome locus_gene_map: map of gene to genome locus_cn: copy number for loci in each cell line Processing steps: QC: 1. Drop replicates that do not pass fingerprinting 2. Drop replicates with less than 15 million reads 3. Drop guides with pDNA reads less than 1 millionth of the total pDNA pool 4. Drop any replicates that do not have a pearson correlation > 0.7 with at least one other replicate for the same line 5. Drop replicates with SSMD < -.5. The controls for SSMD are the 217 pan-essential and 841 non-essential genes identified by Hart et al 6. ZMAD by cell line CERES: 1. Drop cell lines with no available copy number 2. Infer gene effect, guide activity, and copy number effect