ReadMe The data repository here is associated with [JOURNAL ARTICLE]. It includes the following data files: , , , , , , , , and . It also includes an R markdown file <1803IMA.Rmd> and HTML output generated from the .Rmd file. ---- contains demographic and anthropometric data. Column 1 (id) is the subject ID. Column 2 (cohort) is the cohort number. Column 3 (group) is the group ID. A=aged, Y=young. Column 4 (age) is the subject age in years. Column 5 (height) is the subject height in cm. Column 6 (weight) is the subject weight in kg. Column 7 (bmi) is the subject calculated body mass index in kg/m^2. Column 8 (sex) is the subject's identified sex. M=male, F=female. Column 9 (race) is the subject's identified race. A=Asian, B=Black/African-American, H=Hispanic/Latino, W=White/Caucasian. ---- contains Seahorse XFp data. The assay utilized was the Glycolysis Stress Test. Column 1 (Measurement) orders the measurement by time point for each plate. Column 2 (Well) is the plate well. Column 3 (Group) indicates the subject number. Column 4 (Time) is the time point for each analysis. Column 5 (OCR) is oxygen consumption rate in pmol/min for each sample. Column 6 (ECAR) is extracellular acidification rate in mpH/min for each sample. Column 7 (PPR) is proton production rate (pmol/min) for each sample. Column 8 (Assay) is the assay type (GST=Glycolysis Stress Test). Column 9 (Plate) is the plate ID. Column 10 (Date) is the run date in YYYYMMDD format. Column 11 (Age) is the subject age group factor. A=aged, Y=young ---- contains count data for for cell normalization. Column 1 (Plate) is the plate ID. Column 2 (Well) is the well designator. Column 3 (ID) is the subject ID. Column 4 (Date) is the date in MM/DD/YYYY format. Column 5 (Cells) is the calculated number of cells in the designated well. ---- contains Seahorse XFp data. The assay is the 24 hour LPS stimulation assay. Column 1 () is an automatically generated sample number from the processing script. Column 2 (Measurement) orders the measurement by time point for each plate. Column 3 (Well) is the plate well. Column 4 (Group) indicates the subject number. Column 5 (Time) is the time point for each analysis. Column 6 (OCR) is oxygen consumption rate in pmol/min for each sample. Column 7 (ECAR) is extracellular acidification rate in mpH/min for each sample. Column 8 (PPR) is proton production rate (pmol/min) for each sample. Column 9 (Assay) is the assay type (INFL=24 hour LPS stimulation assay). Column 10 (Plate) is the plate ID. Column 11 (Date) is the run date in YYYYMMDD format. ---- contains count data for for cell normalization. Column 1 (Plate) is the plate ID. Column 2 (Well) is the well designator. Column 3 (ID) is the subject ID. Column 4 (Date) is the date in MM/DD/YYYY format. Column 5 (Cells) is the calculated number of cells in the designated well. ---- contains Seahorse XFp data. The assay is the 2 hour LPS stimulation assay. Column 1 (Measurement) orders the measurement by time point for each plate. Column 2 (Well) is the plate well. Column 3 (Group) indicates the subject number. Column 4 (Time) is the time point for each analysis. Column 5 (OCR) is oxygen consumption rate in pmol/min for each sample. Column 6 (ECAR) is extracellular acidification rate in mpH/min for each sample. Column 7 (PPR) is proton production rate (pmol/min) for each sample. Column 8 (Assay) is the assay type (GST=Glycolysis Stress Test). Column 9 (Plate) is the plate ID. Column 10 (Date) is the run date in YYYYMMDD format. Column 11 (Age) is the subject age group factor. A=aged, Y=young ---- contains counts data for for cell normalization. Column 1 (Plate) is the plate ID. Column 2 (Well) is the well designator. Column 3 (ID) is the subject ID. Column 4 (Date) is the date in MM/DD/YYYY format. Column 5 (Cells) is the calculated number of cells in the designated well. ---- contains Ct data for qPCR experiments for the 24 hour LPS stimulation assay. Column 1 (ID) is the subject ID. Column 2 (ID2) is the subject ID. Column 3 (Group) is the age group. A=aged, Y=young. Column 4 (Cond) is the stimulation condition. Med=medium, LPS=LPS. Column 5 (Set) is a Group*Cond variable. 1=Aged-Med, 2=Aged-LPS, 3=Young-Med, 4=Young-LPS. Column 6 (B2M) is Ct value for B2M gene. Column 7 (IL1B) is Ct value for IL1B gene. Column 8 (IL6) is Ct value for IL6 gene. Column 9 (IL10) is Ct value for IL10 gene. Column 10 (IL12A) is Ct value for IL12A gene. Column 11 (TNF) is Ct value for TNF gene. ---- contains Ct data for qPCR experiments for the 2 hour LPS stimulation assay. Column 1 (ID) is the subject ID. Column 2 (ID2) is the subject ID. Column 3 (Group) is the age group. A=aged, Y=young. Column 4 (Run) is the plate number. Column 5 (B2M) is Ct value for B2M gene. Column 6 (IL10) is Ct value for IL10 gene. Column 7 (IL6) is Ct value for IL6 gene. Column 8 (IL12A) is Ct value for IL12A gene. Column 9 (TNF) is Ct value for TNF gene. Column 10 (IL1B) is Ct value for IL1B gene.