
In order to use the .Rmd file, the following datasets are required: gst.csv, gst_counts.csv, infl_data.csv, infl_counts.csv, lps_data.csv, lps_counts.csv, qpcr_data_infl.csv, qpcr_data_lps.csv, and demographics.csv. Add the .Rmd file to the same folder as the datasets to run. Otherwise, use setwd(). Required libraries are dplyr, plotrix, DescTools, and car.

Custom Functions

The Seahorse analysis for this project relies on a group of custom functions for data normalization, replicate grouping, glycolysis stress test calculations, and graphing. These are included below, but are not shown due to space constraints. Download the R Markdown (.Rmd) file for the code.

Options and libraries


## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
## Attaching package: 'car'
## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     recode
## Attaching package: 'DescTools'
## The following object is masked from 'package:car':
##     Recode


The following data are demographic and anthropometric.

screen <- read.csv("demographics.csv", header=T)

Cohort 1

Subset data for cohort 1 subjects only

cohort1 <- subset(screen, screen[,"cohort"]==1)

Chi-square analysis for categorical variables:


tblsex <- table(cohort1$sex, cohort1$group)
chisq.test(tblsex, correct=F)
## Warning in chisq.test(tblsex, correct = F): Chi-squared approximation may
## be incorrect
##  Pearson's Chi-squared test
## data:  tblsex
## X-squared = 0.22222, df = 1, p-value = 0.6374


tblrace <- table(cohort1$group, cohort1$race)
chisq.test(tblrace, correct=F)
## Warning in chisq.test(tblrace, correct = F): Chi-squared approximation may
## be incorrect
##  Pearson's Chi-squared test
## data:  tblrace
## X-squared = NaN, df = 3, p-value = NA

Subsets for aged and young subjects

c1aged <- subset(cohort1, group=="A")
c1young <- subset(cohort1, group=="Y")

Exploratory boxplots for continuous variables

for (i in 4:7) {
  y <- colnames(cohort1)[i]
  variab <- cohort1[,i]
  plot(variab~group, data=cohort1, ylab=y, xlab=NULL)
  stripchart(variab~group, data=cohort1, vertical=T, method="jitter", add=T, pch=20, col="red")

Tests for equality of variances. All variances are equal by Levene’s test.

eqvartest <- apply(cohort1[4:7], 2, function(x) {leveneTest(x,cohort1$group)$'Pr(>F)'})[1,]
##    age height weight    bmi 

T-tests with output of p-values

c1ttests <- apply(cohort1[c(4:7)], 2, function(x) {t.test(x~group, data=cohort1, var.equal=T)$p.value})
c1ttests2 <- apply(cohort1[c(4:7)], 2, function(x) {t.test(x~group, data=cohort1, var.equal=T)})
round(c1ttests, 4)
##    age height weight    bmi 
## 0.0000 0.1663 0.8137 0.6881

Calculations for means and SEs

c1meansyoung <- apply(c1young[c(4:7)], 2, function(x) {mean(x, na.rm=T)})
c1sesyoung <- apply(c1young[c(4:7)], 2, function(x) {std.error(x, na.rm=T)})
c1meansaged <- apply(c1aged[c(4:7)], 2, function(x) {mean(x, na.rm=T)})
c1sesaged <- apply(c1aged[c(4:7)], 2, function(x) {std.error(x, na.rm=T)})

Means for continuous variables

c1means <- rbind(c1meansyoung, c1meansaged)
row.names(c1means) <- c("young","aged")
##            age   height   weight      bmi
## young 25.77778 169.2222 77.31111 26.43333
## aged  65.00000 176.6667 79.55556 25.51111

SEMs for continuous variables

c1ses <- rbind(c1sesyoung, c1sesaged)
row.names(c1ses) <- c("young", "aged")
##            age   height   weight      bmi
## young 1.913242 4.162591 8.648594 1.949430
## aged  1.166667 3.004626 3.603398 1.135714

Cohort 2

Subset data for cohort 2 subjects only

cohort2 <- subset(screen, screen[,"cohort"]==2)


c2tblsex <- table(cohort2$sex, cohort2$group)
chisq.test(c2tblsex, correct=F)
## Warning in chisq.test(c2tblsex, correct = F): Chi-squared approximation may
## be incorrect
##  Pearson's Chi-squared test
## data:  c2tblsex
## X-squared = 0.13468, df = 1, p-value = 0.7136


c2tblrace <- table(cohort2$group, cohort2$race)
c2tblrace <- c2tblrace[,c(1:2,4)]
chisq.test(c2tblrace, correct=F)
## Warning in chisq.test(c2tblrace, correct = F): Chi-squared approximation
## may be incorrect
##  Pearson's Chi-squared test
## data:  c2tblrace
## X-squared = 5.6749, df = 2, p-value = 0.05857

Subsets for aged and young subjects

c2aged <- subset(cohort2, group=="A")
c2young <- subset(cohort2, group=="Y")

Exploratory boxplots for continuous variables

for (i in 4:7) {
  y <- colnames(cohort2)[i]
  variab <- cohort2[,i]
  plot(variab~group, data=cohort2, ylab=y, xlab=NULL)
  stripchart(variab~group, data=cohort2, vertical=T, method="jitter", add=T, pch=20, col="red")

Tests for equality of variances. All variances are equal by Levene’s test.

c2eqvartest <- apply(cohort2[4:7], 2, function(x) {leveneTest(x,cohort2$group)$'Pr(>F)'})[1,]
##    age height weight    bmi 

T-tests with output of p-values

c2ttests <- apply(cohort2[c(4:7)], 2, function(x) {t.test(x~group, data=cohort2, var.equal=T)$p.value})
c2ttests2 <- apply(cohort2[c(4:7)], 2, function(x) {t.test(x~group, data=cohort2, var.equal=T)})
round(c2ttests, 4)
##    age height weight    bmi 
## 0.0000 0.3749 0.7889 0.9800

Calculations for means and SEs

c2meansyoung <- apply(c2young[c(4:7)], 2, function(x) {mean(x, na.rm=T)})
c2sesyoung <- apply(c2young[c(4:7)], 2, function(x) {std.error(x, na.rm=T)})
c2meansaged <- apply(c2aged[c(4:7)], 2, function(x) {mean(x, na.rm=T)})
c2sesaged <- apply(c2aged[c(4:7)], 2, function(x) {std.error(x, na.rm=T)})

Means for continuous variables

c2means <- rbind(c2meansyoung, c2meansaged)
row.names(c2means) <- c("young","aged")
##            age   height   weight      bmi
## young 27.54545 169.7273 74.78182 25.66364
## aged  66.55556 173.7778 77.25556 25.60000

SEMs for continuous variables

c2ses <- rbind(c2sesyoung, c2sesaged)
row.names(c2ses) <- c("young", "aged")
##            age   height   weight      bmi
## young 1.337322 3.182597 7.533004 2.029387
## aged  1.415304 3.008219 3.977894 1.202775

Metabolism Data

The following data are for metabolic assays by Seahorse extracellular flux analysis

Glycolysis Stress Test

Read in data

gst_data <- read.csv("gst.csv", header=T)
gst_ct <- "gst_counts.csv"

Normalize data to cell number

gst_norm <- normXFp(gst_data, gst_ct)

Group replicates

gst <- groupXFp(gst_norm, "Group")

Calculate GST parameters

age <- gst_norm %>% distinct(Group, Age)
gst_param <- gstXFp(gst)
gst_param <- merge(gst_param, age, by="Group")

Test for equality of variances. All variances are equal by Levene’s test.

eqvartest <- apply(gst_param[2:8], 2, function(x) {leveneTest(x,gst_param$Age)$'Pr(>F)'})[1,]
## UnstimECAR   GlucECAR  OligoECAR     DgECAR       Glyc   Capacity 
##      FALSE      FALSE      FALSE       TRUE      FALSE      FALSE 
##    Reserve 
##      FALSE

Glycolysis T-test:

t.test(Glyc~Age, data=gst_param)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  Glyc by Age
## t = -0.092878, df = 14.28, p-value = 0.9273
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -23.35284  21.41081
## sample estimates:
## mean in group A mean in group Y 
##        60.18978        61.16079

Glycolytic Capacity T-test

t.test(Capacity~Age, data=gst_param)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  Capacity by Age
## t = -0.68051, df = 13.582, p-value = 0.5076
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -30.00869  15.58448
## sample estimates:
## mean in group A mean in group Y 
##        70.67801        77.89011

Glycolytic Reserve T-test

t.test(Reserve~Age, data=gst_param)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  Reserve by Age
## t = -1.2931, df = 9.099, p-value = 0.2278
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -17.140972   4.658781
## sample estimates:
## mean in group A mean in group Y 
##        10.48823        16.72932

Calculate Means and SEMs

gst_desc <- gst_param %>%
  group_by(Age) %>%
            Capacity_mean=mean(Capacity), Capacity_sem=std.error(Capacity),
            Reserve_mean=mean(Reserve), Reserve_sem=std.error(Reserve))
## # A tibble: 2 × 7
##      Age Glyc_mean Glyc_sem Capacity_mean Capacity_sem Reserve_mean
##   <fctr>     <dbl>    <dbl>         <dbl>        <dbl>        <dbl>
## 1      A  60.18978 6.786212      70.67801     6.465194     10.48823
## 2      Y  61.16079 7.952837      77.89011     8.397748     16.72932
## # ... with 1 more variables: Reserve_sem <dbl>

2 Hour LPS Assay

Read in data

lps_data <- read.csv("lps_data.csv", header=T)
lps_ct <- "lps_counts.csv"

Normalize to cell number

lps_norm <- normXFp(lps_data, lps_ct)

Group by triplicates

lps <- groupXFp(lps_norm, "Group")

Age data frame for further calculations

age2 <- lps_norm %>% distinct(Group, Age)
age2$Cond <- as.factor(substr(age2$Group, 5, 15))
age2$Group <- as.factor(substr(age2$Group, 1, 3))
age2 <- filter(age2, Cond=="LPS Gluc")
age2 <- age2 %>% select(Group, Age)

Break condition (LPS vs. MED) and group (AGED vs. YOUNG) into separate variables

lps$Cond <- as.factor(substr(lps$Group, 5, 15))
lps$Group <- as.factor(substr(lps$Group, 1, 3))

Subset only relevant data (condition with glucose present)

gluc <- filter(lps, Cond=="LPS Gluc")
gluc <- merge(gluc, age2, by="Group")

Group data by age

gluc2 <- groupXFp(gluc, "Age")

Graph data by age group

graphAllXFp(gluc2, "GST")

Process data for statistics

gluc_tab <- tbl_df(gluc)

gluc_tab2 <- gluc_tab %>%
  group_by(Group, Age, Cond) %>%
            AUC=AUC(Time, ECAR, method="trapezoid"))

gluc3 <-, Group, Age, Cond, minECAR, maxECAR, diffECAR, AUC))

Test for equality of variances. All variances are equal by Levene’s test

eqvartest <- apply(gluc3[4:7], 2, function(x) {leveneTest(x,gluc3$Age)$'Pr(>F)'})[1,]
##  minECAR  maxECAR diffECAR      AUC 

Difference in ECAR (max - min) T-test

t.test(diffECAR ~ Age, data=gluc3) 
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  diffECAR by Age
## t = -0.95443, df = 12.514, p-value = 0.3579
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -45.05295  17.51848
## sample estimates:
## mean in group A mean in group Y 
##        64.11809        77.88532

AUC T-test

t.test(AUC ~ Age, data=gluc3)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  AUC by Age
## t = 0.23832, df = 12.801, p-value = 0.8154
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -4998.909  6236.335
## sample estimates:
## mean in group A mean in group Y 
##        15279.61        14660.90

24 Hour LPS Assay

Read data

infl_data <- read.csv("infl_data.csv")
infl_ct <- "infl_counts.csv"

Normalize to cell number

infl_norm <- normXFp(infl_data,infl_ct)

Group by triplicate

infl <- groupXFp(infl_data, "Group")

New variables to split condiion from subject ID and to add age

infl$Cond <- as.factor(substr(infl$Group, 1, 3))
infl$Group <- as.factor(substr(infl$Group, 5, 8))
infl$Age <- as.factor(substr(infl$Group, 1, 1))

Group data by age

med <- subset(infl, Cond=="MED")
lps <- subset(infl, Cond=="LPS")
infl_med <- groupXFp(med, "Age")
infl_med$Cond <- rep("MED", nrow(infl_med))
infl_lps <- groupXFp(lps, "Age")
infl_lps$Cond <- rep("LPS", nrow(infl_lps))
infl2 <- rbind(infl_med, infl_lps)

Calculate Means and SEMs

infl2 <- tbl_df(infl2)

infl2 <- infl2 %>%
  group_by(Group, Cond) %>%
## Source: local data frame [4 x 6]
## Groups: Group [?]
##    Group  Cond  maxECAR  minECAR    seECAR meanECAR
##   <fctr> <chr>    <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1      A   LPS 35.89942 22.96032 2.1153775 25.34420
## 2      A   MED 25.46341 17.32251 1.2527595 19.33470
## 3      Y   LPS 30.09795 22.03252 1.3092975 23.55762
## 4      Y   MED 21.29150 17.66277 0.4811749 19.50801


infl <- tbl_df(infl)
infl3 <- infl %>%
  group_by(Group, Cond, Age) %>%
infl_ANOVA <- aov(meanECAR~Cond*Age, data=infl3)
##             Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)  
## Cond         1  204.6  204.60   2.933 0.0987 .
## Age          1    4.1    4.06   0.058 0.8112  
## Cond:Age     1    6.9    6.88   0.099 0.7559  
## Residuals   26 1813.5   69.75                 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Gene Expression Data

The following data are for cytokine gene expression from Seahorse cell lysates

2 Hour LPS Assay

Read Ct data

lps_gene <- read.csv("qpcr_data_lps.csv", header=T)
lps_gene_1 <- subset(lps_gene, lps_gene[,"Run"]==1)
lps_gene_2 <- subset(lps_gene, lps_gene[,"Run"]==2)

Calculate dCts

dCt1 <- transmute(lps_gene_1, ID=ID, ID2=ID2, Group=Group, Run=Run,
                  IL10=IL10-B2M, IL6=IL6-B2M, IL12A=IL12A-B2M, TNF=TNF-B2M, IL1B=IL1B-B2M)
dCt2 <- transmute(lps_gene_2, ID=ID, ID2=ID2, Group=Group, Run=Run,
                  IL10=IL10-B2M, IL6=IL6-B2M, IL12A=IL12A-B2M, TNF=TNF-B2M, IL1B=IL1B-B2M)

dCt1$IL12A[$IL12A)] <- dCt2$IL12A[match(dCt1$ID, dCt2$ID)][which($IL12A))]
dCt1$TNF[$TNF)] <- dCt2$TNF[match(dCt1$ID, dCt2$ID)][which($TNF))]
dCt1$IL1B[$IL1B)] <- dCt2$IL1B[match(dCt1$ID, dCt2$ID)][which($IL1B))]

Calculate ddCts by 2^(-ddCt) method

young <- subset(dCt1, dCt1[,"Group"]=="Y")
hk2 <- apply(young[,5:9], 2, mean)

ddCt2 <- transmute(dCt1, ID=ID, ID2=ID2, Group=Group, Run=Run,
                  IL10=2^(-(IL10-hk2[1])), IL6=2^(-(IL6-hk2[2])),
                  IL12A=2^(-(IL12A-hk2[3])), TNF=2^(-(TNF-hk2[4])),

Test for equality of variances

eqvartest <- apply(ddCt2[5:9], 2, function(x) {leveneTest(x,ddCt2$Group)$'Pr(>F)'})[1,]
##  IL10   IL6 IL12A   TNF  IL1B 

IL10 T-test

t.test(IL10~Group, data=ddCt2)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  IL10 by Group
## t = 0.50089, df = 14.802, p-value = 0.6238
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -1.207331  1.947949
## sample estimates:
## mean in group A mean in group Y 
##        2.042032        1.671722

IL6 T-test

t.test(IL6~Group, data=ddCt2)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  IL6 by Group
## t = -0.93168, df = 15.987, p-value = 0.3654
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -1.2588506  0.4902049
## sample estimates:
## mean in group A mean in group Y 
##       0.8236564       1.2079793

IL12A T-test

t.test(IL12A~Group, data=ddCt2)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  IL12A by Group
## t = -0.47757, df = 9.9032, p-value = 0.6433
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -4.160283  2.693260
## sample estimates:
## mean in group A mean in group Y 
##        1.836114        2.569626

TNF T-test

t.test(TNF~Group, data=ddCt2)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  TNF by Group
## t = -1.4017, df = 15.727, p-value = 0.1804
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -1.2746000  0.2607995
## sample estimates:
## mean in group A mean in group Y 
##       0.6906747       1.1975749

IL1B T-test

t.test(IL1B~Group, data=ddCt2)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  IL1B by Group
## t = -0.66453, df = 10.974, p-value = 0.5201
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.9390071  0.5035838
## sample estimates:
## mean in group A mean in group Y 
##       0.8675646       1.0852763

Calculate summary statistics

ddCt2_tab <- tbl_df(ddCt2)

ddCt_tab2 <- ddCt2_tab %>%
  na.omit() %>%
  group_by(Group) %>%

means2 <- ddCt_tab2 %>%
  select(Group, IL1Bmean, IL6mean, IL10mean, TNFmean)

norm_means_A <-[1,2:5])/[2,2:5])

Normalized means

##    IL1Bmean   IL6mean IL10mean   TNFmean
## 1 0.7993952 0.6407549 1.098791 0.5236554


sems <- ddCt_tab2 %>%
  select(Group, IL1Bse, IL6se, IL10se, TNFse)

## # A tibble: 2 × 5
##    Group    IL1Bse     IL6se    IL10se     TNFse
##   <fctr>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1      A 0.2872693 0.3210315 0.6302549 0.2604002
## 2      Y 0.1575156 0.2958658 0.4421980 0.2720218

24 Hour LPS Assay

Read data

infl_gene <- read.csv("qpcr_data_infl.csv", header=T)

Calculate dCt

dCt <- transmute(infl_gene, ID=ID, ID2=ID2, Group=Group, Cond=Cond, Set=Set,
                 IL1B=IL1B-B2M, IL6=IL6-B2M, IL10=IL10-B2M, IL12A=IL12A-B2M, TNF=TNF-B2M)

Calculate ddCt by 2^(-ddCt) method

young_med <- subset(dCt, dCt[,"Group"]=="Y" & dCt[,"Cond"]=="Med")
hk <- apply(young_med[,6:10], 2, function(x){mean(x, na.rm=T)})

ddCt <- transmute(dCt, ID=ID, ID2=ID2, Group=Group, Cond=Cond, Set=Set,
                   IL1B=2^(-(IL1B-hk[1])), IL6=2^(-(IL6-hk[2])),
                   IL10=2^(-(IL10-hk[3])), IL12A=2^(-(IL12A-hk[4])),

Test for equality of variances

eqvartest <- apply(ddCt[6:10], 2, function(x) {leveneTest(x,ddCt$Group)$'Pr(>F)'})[1,]
##  IL1B   IL6  IL10 IL12A   TNF 


il1b <- aov(IL1B~Group*Cond, data=ddCt)
##             Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)   
## Group        1  25.27   25.27   4.225 0.05190 . 
## Cond         1  76.49   76.49  12.786 0.00169 **
## Group:Cond   1   5.40    5.40   0.902 0.35249   
## Residuals   22 131.60    5.98                   
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


il6 <- aov(IL6~Group*Cond, data=ddCt)
##             Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)   
## Group        1  130.5  130.48   5.912 0.02364 * 
## Cond         1  199.6  199.60   9.044 0.00648 **
## Group:Cond   1   77.9   77.91   3.530 0.07358 . 
## Residuals   22  485.6   22.07                   
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


il10 <- aov(IL10~Group*Cond, data=ddCt)
##             Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)   
## Group        1  31.33   31.33   3.620 0.0703 . 
## Cond         1 113.73  113.73  13.140 0.0015 **
## Group:Cond   1  11.29   11.29   1.305 0.2657   
## Residuals   22 190.41    8.66                  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


il12a <- aov(IL12A~Group*Cond, data=ddCt)
##             Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## Group        1  0.103  0.1029   0.135  0.717
## Cond         1  0.001  0.0014   0.002  0.967
## Group:Cond   1  0.271  0.2715   0.355  0.558
## Residuals   20 15.275  0.7637               
## 2 observations deleted due to missingness


tnf <- aov(TNF~Group*Cond, data=ddCt)
##             Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)  
## Group        1  0.171  0.1713   0.812 0.3773  
## Cond         1  0.782  0.7818   3.706 0.0673 .
## Group:Cond   1  0.155  0.1552   0.736 0.4003  
## Residuals   22  4.642  0.2110                 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Means and SEMs

Y_med <- subset(ddCt, ddCt[,"Set"]==3)
Y_lps <- subset(ddCt, ddCt[,"Set"]==4)
A_med <- subset(ddCt, ddCt[,"Set"]==1)
A_lps <- subset(ddCt, ddCt[,"Set"]==2)

infl_means_young_med <- apply(Y_med[c(6:10)], 2, function(x) {mean(x, na.rm=T)})
infl_ses_young_med <- apply(Y_med[c(6:10)], 2, function(x) {std.error(x, na.rm=T)})
infl_means_aged_med <- apply(A_med[c(6:10)], 2, function(x) {mean(x, na.rm=T)})
infl_ses_aged_med <- apply(A_med[c(6:10)], 2, function(x) {std.error(x, na.rm=T)})
infl_means_young_lps <- apply(Y_lps[c(6:10)], 2, function(x) {mean(x, na.rm=T)})
infl_ses_young_lps <- apply(Y_lps[c(6:10)], 2, function(x) {std.error(x, na.rm=T)})
infl_means_aged_lps <- apply(A_lps[c(6:10)], 2, function(x) {mean(x, na.rm=T)})
infl_ses_aged_lps <- apply(A_lps[c(6:10)], 2, function(x) {std.error(x, na.rm=T)})

means <- rbind(infl_means_young_med, infl_means_aged_med, infl_means_young_lps,

norm_means <- sweep(means, 2, infl_means_young_med, `/`)

Normalized means

row.names(norm_means) <- c("Young Med", "Aged Med", "Young LPS", "Aged LPS")
##                IL1B      IL6      IL10     IL12A       TNF
## Young Med 1.0000000 1.000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000
## Aged Med  0.2850921 0.280970 0.3921155 0.7193305 0.7278581
## Young LPS 3.9670746 7.534031 4.8721800 0.8324078 0.5601089
## Aged LPS  2.0236257 1.925715 2.4383328 0.8824156 0.5533877


sems2 <- rbind(infl_ses_young_med, infl_ses_aged_med, infl_ses_young_lps, infl_ses_aged_lps)
row.names(sems2) <- c("Young Med", "Aged Med", "Young LPS", "Aged LPS")
##                IL1B       IL6      IL10     IL12A        TNF
## Young Med 0.4597683 0.4069962 0.6375942 0.4233705 0.32252249
## Aged Med  0.2086043 0.2043841 0.1506255 0.3323634 0.14546899
## Young LPS 1.8571096 3.8942283 2.1040103 0.3064862 0.07702133
## Aged LPS  0.6895258 0.7539913 1.0288392 0.3637754 0.10399706