Summary This document gives more detail on each of the 3 datasets included in this Fileset. For each dataset the following is given: - relevent papers that use the data or employ common techniques on similar data - more detailed description of the X features, and Y properties including things to keep in mind when building ML models with the data. The regression is expected to take the form of finding F in Y=F(X). Dilute Solute Diffusion: Relevant papers: Original paper describing dataset in detail [1]: Previous machine learning results [2]: X features: The solute diffusion data includes two “material composition” columns which denote the elements used as the host and solute respectively. Material properties have been generated from these host and solute elements and are given in columns four and onward. For example, the column "Site2_MeltingT" would be the solute melting temperature for that host-solute pair. These properties have been generated using the MAGPIE framework, and have been selected because they have been shown in previous ML work to give good results when predicting these diffusion energy barriers [3]. Y property: The material property this dataset seeks to predict is the effective diffusion activation energy for vacancy mediated diffusion of a dilute solute element in a known host crystal. The reported energies have all been normalized to the host value such that each energy in a host-solute pair is the relative energy to the respective host's self diffusion value. For example Al-Al could have an absolute value of 0.5 eV, but this value is subtracted off to bring the value in the dataset to 0 eV. Then every datapoint with Al as the host has the same adjustment made to it. If Al-Ag's absolute value is 0.7 eV, the reported value in the dataset is 0.2 eV (0.7 - 0.5). There is also an alternative column with raw energy values instead of the normalized values. Using the raw values allows the particularly slow diffusers like W to be separated out from the rest of the hosts. Perovskite Stability: Relevant papers: Original paper with more dataset details and ML results [4]: X features: The perovskite stability dataset includes columns giving detailed information about the materials composition and structure. An overall composition is given, and then that composition is broken down by which elements occupy each site within the perovskite structure. These columns were used to generate columns 12 and onward. The composition information in combination with the MAGPIE approach for generating elemental descriptors was used to generate these columns [3]. For example, the "First Ionization Potential (V)_AB_avg" column gives the average value for atoms at the A and B sites in the perovskite structure. Y property: The perovskite Stability dataset includes the "energy_above_hull (meV/atom)" column as the property to be predicted. The energy above the convex hull gives an approximation for how stable each composition will be, and thus how easy the material may be to synthesize experimentally. A second property to predict is included in the “formation_energy (eV/atom)” column. The formation energy given is the DFT energy of the perovskite structure relative to the DFT energy of the appropriate concentrations of elemental end-members in their stable state. This property is not a direct measure of stability, but can still be an interesting property to predict. Metallic Glass Descriptors: Relevant papers: There is no paper published on this data set at the present time. The data was assembled primarily by Vanessa Nilsen under the guidance of Prof. Dane Morgan at UW Madison ( A previous study of reduced glass transition temperature as a GFA descriptor can be found in reference [5]: X features: The metallic glass dataset gives two columns with information about the material Composition. The first is the overall composition, and the second is the highest Composition element. The columns from four to the end are the MAGPIE features that have been generated from the material composition column and give values such as properties averaged over the material composition as well as features that are only for the majority element in each alloy [3]. The majority element features are labelled as "site1". Y property: The reduced glass transition temperature (Trg) has historically been used as a rough predictor for Glass Forming Ability (GFA). By making a model to predict Trg for an arbitrary alloy, it could be possible to use these values to estimate GFA directly, or as input for another model to then predict GFA. Bibliography [1] H. Wu, T. Mayeshiba, D. Morgan, High-throughput ab-initio dilute solute diffusion database, Sci. Data. 3 (2016) 160054. doi:10.1038/sdata.2016.54. [2] H. Wu, A. Lorenson, B. Anderson, L. Witteman, H. Wu, B. Meredig, D. Morgan, Robust FCC solute diffusion predictions from ab-initio machine learning methods, Comput. Mater. Sci. 134 (2017) 160–165. doi:10.1016/J.COMMATSCI.2017.03.052. [3] L. Ward, A. Agrawal, A. Choudhary, C. Wolverton, A General-Purpose Machine Learning Framework for Predicting Properties of Inorganic Materials, Nat. Commun. (2015) 1–7. doi:10.1038/npjcompumats.2016.28. [4] W. Li, R. Jacobs, D. Morgan, Predicting the thermodynamic stability of perovskite oxides using machine learning models, Comput. Mater. Sci. 150 (2018) 454–463. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2018.04.033. [5] Z.P. Lu, Y. Li, S.C. Ng, Reduced glass transition temperature and glass forming ability of bulk glass forming alloys, J. Non. Cryst. Solids. 270 (2000) 103–114. doi:10.1016/S0022-3093(00)00064-8.