
Supplementary material from "How causal analysis can reveal autonomy in models of biological systems"

Version 2 2017-10-26, 07:16
Version 1 2017-10-16, 09:16
Posted on 2017-10-26 - 07:16
Standard techniques for studying biological systems largely focus on their dynamical or, more recently, their informational properties, usually taking either a reductionist or holistic perspective. Yet, studying only individual system elements or the dynamics of the system as a whole disregards the organizational structure of the system—whether there are subsets of elements with joint causes or effects, and whether the system is strongly integrated or composed of several loosely interacting components. Integrated information theory offers a theoretical framework to (1) investigate the compositional cause–effect structure of a system and to (2) identify causal borders of highly integrated elements comprising local maxima of intrinsic cause–effect power. Here we apply this comprehensive causal analysis to a Boolean network model of the fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) cell cycle. We demonstrate that this biological model features a non-trivial causal architecture, whose discovery may provide insights about the real cell cycle that could not be gained from holistic or reductionist approaches. We also show how some specific properties of this underlying causal architecture relate to the biological notion of autonomy. Ultimately, we suggest that analysing the causal organization of a system, including key features like intrinsic control and stable causal borders, should prove relevant for distinguishing life from non-life, and thus could also illuminate the origin of life problem.


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Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences


William Marshall
Hyunju Kim
Sara I. Walker
Giulio Tononi
Larissa Albantakis
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