Simultaneous multi-segmented mirror orientation test system using a digital aperture based on sheared Fourier analysis
Posted on 2017-07-19 - 22:20
This paper presents a simultaneous multi-segmented mirror orientation test system (SMOTS) using localized sheared images. A CMOS camera captures images of reflected 2D sinusoidal patterns from the test mirrors as their orientation changes. Surface orientation is measured to within 0.8 µrad (0.16 arcseconds) for a flat mirror. In addition, we measure the variation of seven mirror segments simultaneously. Furthermore, SMOTS is applied to measure the orientation of two concave mirrors with an accuracy of 2.7 µrad (0.56 arcseconds). The measurement time for seven segments is 0.07 s. This technique can monitor the mirror segment orientation in an open/closed-loop for various optical setups.
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Wook Kim, Dae; Choi, Heejoo; Trumper, Isaac; Dubin, Matthew; Zhao, Wenchuan (2017). Simultaneous multi-segmented mirror orientation test system using a digital aperture based on sheared Fourier analysis. Optica Publishing Group. Collection.