Pulsed and CW Gaussian beam interactions with double negative metamaterial slabs
Posted on 2017-04-28 - 14:03
The interactions of pulsed and continuous wave (CW) Gaussian beams with double negative (DNG) metatmaterials are considered. Sub-wavelength focusing of a diverging, normally incident pulsed Gaussian beam with a planar DNG slab is demonstrated. The negative angle of refraction behavior associated with the negative index of refraction exhibited by DNG metamaterials is demonstrated. The transmitted beam resulting from both 3-cycle and CW Gaussian beams that are obliquely incident on a DNG slab are shown to have this property. Gaussian beams that undergo total internal reflection from a DNG metamaterial slab are also shown to experience a negative Goos-Hänchen (lateral) shift. Several potential applications for these effects in the microwave and optical regimes are discussed.
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Ziolkowski, Richard W. (2003). Pulsed and CW Gaussian beam interactions with double negative metamaterial slabs. Optica Publishing Group. Collection. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3758888.v1