Parametric modeling of edge effects for polishing tool influence functions
Posted on 2017-04-28 - 15:11
Computer controlled polishing requires accurate knowledge of the tool influence function (TIF) for the polishing tool (i.e. lap). While a linear Preston’s model for material removal allows the TIF to be determined for most cases, nonlinear removal behavior as the tool runs over the edge of the part introduces a difficulty in modeling the edge TIF. We provide a new parametric model that fits 5 parameters to measured data to accurately predict the edge TIF for cases of a polishing tool that is either spinning or orbiting over the edge of the workpiece.
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Wook Kim, Dae; Hyun Park, Won; Kim, Sug-Whan; Burge, James H. (2009). Parametric modeling of edge effects for polishing tool influence functions. Optica Publishing Group. Collection.